Tree (tree_misc.c) - larrykollar/tines GitHub Wiki

Tree (tree_misc.c)

  • movenode <up|left|right|down>
    Reposition the current node.
  • go <up|down|left|right|recurse|backrecurse|root|top|bottom>
    Changes the current position in the tree:
    • up/down: moves up or down in the current level.
    • left: moves to the parent node.
    • right: moves to the first child node. If no child node exists, tines creates one.
    • root: moves to the top of the tree.
    • top/bottom: moves to the first or last node.
    • recurse: moves to the next node in the current level.
    • backrecurse: moves to the first node in the current level.
  • outdent
    Moves the active item and the following siblings one level to the left.
  • indent
    Moves the active item and the following siblings one level to the right.
  • remove
    Removes the active node. If the node has children, you have a chance to confirm the deletion.
  • commandline
    Invokes the interactive command line in curses mode.
  • insert_below
    Adds a new entry immediately below the active entry.
  • sort [-r|-a|-d]
    Sorts the siblings of the currently selected node:
    • -a=ascending
    • -d=descending
    • -r=random (shuffle)
  • toggle_todo
    Toggles the visibility and usage of the checkbox for the current entry.
  • toggle_done
    Toggles the checkbox for the currently active entry, if the entry has a checkbox.
  • toggle_text (1.9.20+)
    Toggles the "text" marker for the currently active entry.
  • bind <key> <action> [parameter]
    Binds the action to the specified key.
    Use the virtual key .. to bind subsequent actions; this allows binding multiple actions to a single keystroke. The virtual key any indicates any unbound keys. This can be used to produce an error message using bind any unbound.
  • unbound
    Outputs a message, indicating that the pressed key is not bound in the current context.
  • context <context>
    Changes the current context.
    Predefined contexts include 'main', 'lineedit', 'nodeedit', and 'confirm'. You can define other contexts as needed.
  • backspace
    Erases the preceding character.
  • delete
    Erases the following character.
  • left
    Moves the cursor or selection left.
  • right
    Moves the cursor or selection right.
  • up
    Moves the cursor or selection up.
  • down
    Moves the cursor or selection down.
  • pagedown
    Moves down one page.
  • pageup
    Moves up one page.
  • bkill_word
    Erases the preceding word.
  • kill_word
    Erases the following word.
  • bol
    Moves the cursor to the beginning of line.
  • eol
    Moves to the end of the line.
  • top
    Moves to the topmost sibling of the current entry.
  • bottom
    Moves to the bottommost sibling of the current entry.
  • skipword
    Moves to the next word.
  • bskipword
    Moves to the previous word.
  • cancel
    Cancels editing of the node.
  • complete
    Outputs the possible completions of the entered command or variable.
  • confirm
    Confirms the question posed, (used in dialogs asking for the users' consent).
  • ignore
    Does nothing. This is an alternative way to handle unbound keys: bind any ignore would silently ignore an undefined keypress.
  • join
    Joins the currently edited node with the following sibling.
  • split
    Splits the currently edited node at the cursor location.
  • kill_line
    Erases the currently edited line.
  • kill_to_bol
    Erases from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
  • kill_to_eol
    Erases from the cursor to the end of the line.