Node formatting (ui_draw.c) - larrykollar/tines GitHub Wiki

Node formatting (ui_draw.c)

  • display_format <format string>
    Defines how each node is displayed. The format string syntax is:
    • spaces: literal spaces
    • i<width>: indents the specified width in characters
    • -: inserts a bullet
    • d: inserts the actual node data
    • x<width>: reserved
      A typical format string is i4- d.
  • bullet_leaf <string>
    The format for entries with no sub-entries.
    Example: *
  • bullet_parent <string>
    The format for entries with unexpanded sub-entries.
    Example: +
  • bullet_parent_expanded <string>
    The format for entries with expanded sub-entries.
    Example: -
  • bullet_todo_parent_undone <string>
    The format for unchecked to-do entries with sub-entries.
    Example: [ ]
  • bullet_todo_parent_done <string>
    The format for checked to-do entries with sub-entries.
    Example: [X]
  • bullet_todo_leaf_undone <string>
    The format for unchecked to-do entries with no sub-entries.
    Example: [ ]
  • bullet_todo_leaf_done <string>
    The format for checked to-do entries with no sub-entries.
    Example: [X]

New in 1.9.20:

  • bullet_textleaf <string>
    The format for text entries with no sub-entries.
    Example: t *
  • bullet_textparent <string>
    The format for text entries with collapsed sub-entries.
    Example: t +
  • bullet_textleaf <string>
    The format for text entries with expanded sub-entries.
    Example: t -