3.Main window - larics/Petri.Net GitHub Wiki
The main window of the application is shown in Figure 3.1. On the right-center side of the window there is a surface of PetriNet Document. It represents a document of Petri .NET Simulator application. PetriNet Document is consisted of three views: PetriNet Editor view, Description view and Response view. They will be briefly explained later in this manual.
Figure 3.1. The main window.
Rest of the screen is used by four dockable windows. They are: Toolbox, Document Explorer, Properties and Rules Editor. These windows can be undocked, moved around or docked to another place, depending on user’s desires. Layout is saved when application closes, so next time when application starts layout is preserved.
Toolbox is a special TreeView control that contains all objects that can be dragged to editor. These objects can be simple or complex objects. One example of complex object is Resource-Operation object that consists of two Transitions, one Resource Place, one Operation Place and 4 arcs connecting that objects.
Document Explorer shows objects tree of currently selected document. In this version of Petri .NET Simulator Document Explorer doesn’t have any important role. It is only used as helping tool to see the objects hierarchy.
Properties window is used to display and edit all important properties of objects that are part of Petri net model. Also, properties of other objects, used in the application, can be displayed and edited.
Rules Editor is used to add/edit/remove rules that are applied to selected document. It contains collection of rules that determine the behavior of Control places included in Petri net.
Python code editor is used to edit python program code which can be used to control system behavior, write some information, or anything else
Python output is used to display an python code output (results of print commands)