12.Response - larics/Petri.Net GitHub Wiki

The Response view is the third view of the PetriNet Document object. It contains three parts: Spreadsheet, Oscillogram and Statistics. Spreadsheet, shown in Figure 12.1, presents evaluation of Petri net marking vector components (number of tokens in places) for every step of simulation. The first column, No, stands for simulation step.

Figure 12.1. Spreadsheet sub view.

Three specific events that may occur in Petri net are characterized by three different icons. Icon is positioned in front of the row that corresponds with simulation step in which an event took place:

F - simulation is finished,

D - deadlock; this usually happens when improper control algorithms are used to create rules for Control places. In that case, this icon appears on every row after the row in which deadlock happened,

C - conflict; it is result of the system structure or improper control algorithm.

By right-clicking anywhere on the spreadsheet view a context menu pops-up and allows to export contents of the spreadsheet to TAB delimited text file. This is very useful for importing to some third party application.

In the Oscillogram sub view, shown in Figure 12.2, evaluation of Petri net marking vector components (number of tokens in places) is presented graphically as a function of time.

Figure 12.2. Oscillogram sub view.

By using options in Properties window properties of oscillograms can be changed; section width, numbers per section etc. This is usually necessary if PTimed Petri net model is used (Figure 12.3.).

Figure 12.3. PTimed Petri net oscillograms.

One important feature of Oscillogram is that period of Petri net can be selected so some basic statistics analysis can be made. Just click anywhere on the Oscillogram control to move selection lines. When you press left mouse button down and hold it while moving mouse, a zoomed oscillogram appears in the left part of existing one (Figure 12.4). This allows more precise selection line positioning.

Figure 12.4. Selecting a Petri net period.

Once a period is selected Statistics sub view will show some basic statistics of Petri net. For example, utilization of resources inside that period. This can be used for performance analysis of control algorithm and improving it, if needed.