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#OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError ###getting error while sending confirmation emails
Apparently the :tls => true option for ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings doesn't work in Rails 3.2. Try removing it so that you're left with:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:address => '',
:port => 587,
:domain => '',
:authentication => :plain,
:user_name => '[email protected]',
:password => 'app'
#Git Vs SVN
#Deploying to Heroku ##Set Up Heroku
For your convenience, here are instructions for deploying your app to Heroku. Heroku provides low cost, easily configured Rails application hosting.
To deploy this app to Heroku, you must have a Heroku account. If you need to obtain one, visit to set up an account.
Make sure the Heroku gem is in your Gemfile. If it’s not, add it and run
$ bundle install
to set up your gems again.
If you’ve just created a Heroku account, add your public key immediately after installing the heroku gem so that you can use git to push or clone Heroku app repositories. See for details. Create Your Application on Heroku
Use the Heroku create command to create and name your new app.
$ heroku create myapp Heroku Add-ons and DNS Configuration
You will need the following Heroku add-ons to deploy your app using subdomains with your own custom domain:
Custom Domains (free)
Custom Domains + Wildcard ($5 per month)
Zerigo DNS Tier 1 ($7 per month)
To enable the add-ons, you can use the Heroku web interface or you can enter the following commands:
$ heroku addons:add custom_domains
$ heroku domains:add
$ heroku addons:add wildcard_domains
$ heroku domains:add *
$ heroku addons:add zerigo_dns:tier1
If you are using the Zerigo DNS service, you will need to set the nameserver with your domain registrar. It can take a few minutes (or longer) for DNS changes to propagate. When DNS is set properly, you should be able to visit or in your web browser and see the Heroku default page:
Heroku | Welcome to your new app!
You can check that everything has been added correctly by running:
$ heroku info --app myapp Set Up Your Application on Heroku
Push your application to Heroku:
$ git push heroku master
Set up your Heroku database:
$ heroku rake db:migrate
Initialize your application database:
$ heroku rake db:seed Visit Your Site
If you use the heroku command to open your default web browser to your site with
$ heroku open
or if you visit your site with you’ll see the error, “The page you were looking for doesn’t exist.” That’s because your app is trying to find a subdomain “myapp” that doesn’t exist. You’ll need to visit the site using your own domain name, such as Domain name service must be set properly to use the Zerigo nameservers. Troubleshooting
If you get errors, you can troubleshoot by reviewing the log files:
$ heroku logs