Home - laravella/laravella GitHub Wiki
Laravel 4 Admin console, CMS and starter project. Hit the ground running with the most useful packages installed and integrated.
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###cborgia/radiate HTML5 Boiler Plate, Twitter Bootstrap, Font Awesome, SASS, and a quick little login/register script to get you started.
###laravella/crud Database Create, Read, Update, Delete package. laravella/crud also makes provision for custom views and and AJAX friendly api so that you can basically achieve anything you want with it, above and beyond CRUD.
###laravella/cart A demo shopping cart built on laravella/crud (just an example project).
###laravella/package A starter package for laravel. Includes a facade, artisan commands, IoC class, migrations and database seed examples.
###laravella/cms A content management system and blog built on crud.
###laravella/skins An easy way to install new themes.
###laravella/uploader A sweet file uploader from blueimp packaged for laravel and integrated into Laravella/CMS.