App Design Document - lapulido/MakeSchoolNotes GitHub Wiki

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App Design


[explain the goal of the app] The goal of this app is to help users to quickly measure the distance between objects using their phone to do so.


[who is this app targeting?] The people that I am targeting in this app are people who may be moving their things from their houses or would like a quick and easy way to use their phones to measure objects.


[how will your users interact with this app?]15" Macbook Pro

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  • [list the different screens used in the app] I will have a main screen showing the button that will be pressed in order to showcase the ruler.

External services

  • [list which APIs or external services will your app use?]

Views, View Controllers, and other Classes

  • Views
    • [list all views you will need]
  • View Controllers
    • [list all view controllers you will need]
  • Other Classes
    • [list any other classes you will need]

Data models

  • [list all Parse data models your app will need]

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MVP Milestones

[The overall milestones of first usable build, core features, and polish are just suggestions, plan to finish earlier if possible. The last 20% of work tends to take about as much time as the first 80% so do not slack off on your milestones!]

Week 1

planning your app

  • [goals for the week]

Week 2

finishing a usable build

  • [goals for the week, should be finishing a usable app]

Week 3

  • [goals for the week]

Week 4

  • [goals for the week, should be finishing all core features]

Week 5

starting the polish

  • [goals for the week]

Week 6

submitting to the App Store

  • [goals for the week, should be finishing the polish -- demo day on Saturday!]

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