Example script - lanmancz/aapi2 GitHub Wiki

This is a simple example script. It creates a window, some components and demonstrates how you can use component callbacks to get properties of components, manupilate them or use them in any other way you need.

Be careful what you write in the properties. There is very little fool-proof checking inside the module so if you write something dumb there something dumb will happen. Preserve the table structures as written in this example.

local i = nil	-- Instance handle
local w = nil	-- Window handle

-- Create AceAPI instance
local i = aapi2.CreateInstance("ExampleInstance")

local _ex_win_width = 800	-- Example window width
local _ex_win_height = 600	-- Example window height
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create a window
local _p = {
	["name"] = "ExampleWindow1",
	["show"] = true,
	["x"] = (SCREEN_WIDTH/2) - math.floor(_ex_win_width/2),
	["y"] = (SCREEN_HIGHT/2) - math.floor(_ex_win_height/2),
	["w"] = _ex_win_width,
	["h"] = _ex_win_height,
	["limits"] = { ["min_x"]=200, ["min_y"]=100, ["max_x"]=1000, ["max_y"]=1000 },
	["header"] = {
		["enabled"] = true,
		["title"] = "ExampleWindow1",
		["h"] = 20,
		["movable"] = true,
		["close"] = true,
		["border"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["br"]=0.1, ["bg"]=0.2, ["bb"]=0.4, ["ba"]=0.9, ["fr"]=1, ["fg"]=1, ["fb"]=1, ["fa"]=0.9 },
		["components"] =  {},
	["body"] = { 
		["border"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["br"]=0.0, ["bg"]=0.0, ["bb"]=0.1, ["ba"]=0.9, ["fr"]=1, ["fg"]=1, ["fb"]=1, ["fa"]=0.9 },
		["components"] =  {},
	["events"] = {		-- Call a function from globalspace on event
		["on_click"] = "",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = "",
		["on_close"] = ""
-- Register new window in our aapi2 instance (i) and grab the handle (w)
local w = aapi2.CreateWindow(i, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create label object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "label",
	["name"] = "Label1",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 15,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1 },
	["text"] = "Label1 - this is a simple text label",
	["font"] = "std",	-- std, h10, h12, h18
-- Register new component in aapi2
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create editbox object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "editbox",
	["name"] = "EditBox1",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 30,
	["w"] = 120, ["h"] = 20,
	["color"] = { 
		["normal"] = { ["r"]=0.1, ["g"]=0.1, ["b"]=0.2, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["focus"] = { ["r"]=0.25, ["g"]=0.35, ["b"]=0.45, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["text"] = "EditBox1",
	["filters"] = { "%w", "%p", "%s" },
	["max_len"] = 20,
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = "",
		["on_enter"] = ""
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create button object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "button",
	["mode"] = "switch", -- "button" or "switch"
	["name"] = "Switch1",
	["x"] = 150, ["y"] = 30,
	["w"] = 80, ["h"] = 20,
	["color"] = { 
		["off"] = { ["r"]=0.3, ["g"]=0.3, ["b"]=0.5, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["on"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=0.9, ["b"]=0.5, ["a"]=0.7 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["text"] = {
		["off"] = "Off",
		["on"] = "ON",
	["state"] = "off",
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = ""
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)	
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create textbox object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "textbox",
	["name"] = "TextBox1",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 60,
	["w"] = 120, ["h"] = 20,
	["color"] = { 
		["bg"] = { ["r"]=0.0, ["g"]=0.0, ["b"]=0.1, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["label"] = "",
	["text"] = "TextBox1"
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create button object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "button",
	["mode"] = "button", -- "button" or "switch"
	["name"] = "Button1",
	["x"] = 150, ["y"] = 60,
	["w"] = 80, ["h"] = 20,
	["color"] = { 
		["off"] = { ["r"]=0.3, ["g"]=0.3, ["b"]=0.5, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["on"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=0.9, ["b"]=0.5, ["a"]=0.7 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["text"] = {
		["off"] = "Button",
		["on"] = "Button",
	["state"] = "off",
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "ExampleButtonCallback",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = ""
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)	
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create another label object in front of a led (next component)
local _p = {
	["type"] = "label",
	["name"] = "Label2",
	["x"] = 30, ["y"] = 96,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1 },
	["text"] = "<<-- This is a led component",
	["font"] = "std",	-- std, h10, h12, h18
-- Register new component in aapi2
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create label object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "led",
	["name"] = "Led1",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 90,
	["w"] = 10, ["h"] = 10,
	["color"] = { 
		["off"] = { ["r"]=0.0, ["g"]=0.0, ["b"]=0.4, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["on"] = { ["r"]=0.1, ["g"]=0.9, ["b"]=0.7, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["control"] = {
		["enabled"] = true,
	["state"] = "off",
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = ""
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create progress_bar object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "progress_bar",
	["name"] = "ProgressBar1",	
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 110,
	["w"] = 200, ["h"] = 20,
	["color"] = { 
		["bg"] = { ["r"]=0.0, ["g"]=0.0, ["b"]=0.1, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["pb"] = { ["r"]=0.7, ["g"]=0.7, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
	["bar"] = { 
		["min"] = 0,
		["max"] = 100,
		["pos"] = 50,
		["dir"] = "right", -- "right" or "top"
		["border"] = {
			["size"] = 0,
	["control"] = {
		["enabled"] = true,
		["delta_small"] = 1,
		["delta_big"] = 10,
		["delta_wheel"] = 1,
	["label"] = {
		["enabled"] = true,
		["units"] = "%"
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = ""
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)	
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create slider object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "slider",
	["name"] = "Slider1",	
	["x"] = 20, ["y"] = 140,
	["w"] = 180, ["h"] = 20,
	["color"] = { 
		["bg"] = { ["r"]=0.0, ["g"]=0.0, ["b"]=0.1, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
		["pb"] = { ["r"]=0.5, ["g"]=0.5, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.5 }
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
	["bar"] = { 
		["min"] = 0,
		["max"] = 100,
		["pos"] = 50,
		["dir"] = "right",
		["border"] = {
			["size"] = 15,
	["control"] = {
		["enabled"] = true,
		["delta_small"] = 1,
		["delta_big"] = 10,
		["delta_wheel"] = 1,
		["buttons"] = {
			["enabled"] = true,
			["size"] = 10,
			["thickness"] = 2,
	["label"] = {
		["enabled"] = true,
		["units"] = "%"
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "ExampleSliderCallback",
		["on_wheel"] = "ExampleSliderCallback",
		["on_drag"] = "ExampleSliderCallback"
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create another label object in front of a led (next component)
local _p = {
	["type"] = "label",
	["name"] = "Label4",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 185,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1 },
	["text"] = "We also got lines :",
	["font"] = "std",	-- std, h10, h12, h18
-- Register new component in aapi2
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create line object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "line",
	["name"] = "Line1",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 200,
	["x2"] = 200, ["y2"] = 200,
	["width"] = 1,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.5 } 
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create another label object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "label",
	["name"] = "Label5",
	["x"] = 10, ["y"] = 220,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1 },
	["text"] = "And we also got boxes :",
	["font"] = "std",	-- std, h10, h12, h18
-- Register new component in aapi2
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create box object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "box",
	["name"] = "Box1",	
	["x"] = 10,	["y"] = 230,
	["w"] = 200,	["h"] = 100,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=0.0, ["g"]=0.1, ["b"]=0.1, ["a"]=0.5 },
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.6 }
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create label object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "label",
	["name"] = "Label3",
	["x"] = 270, ["y"] = 15,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1 },
	["text"] = "Look, a table:",
	["font"] = "std",	-- std, h10, h12, h18
-- Register new component in aapi2
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create table component
local _p = {
	["type"] = "table",
	["name"] = "Table1",
	["x"] = 270, ["y"] = 30,
	["w"] = 350, ["h"] = 300,
	["color"] = { 
		["bg"] = { ["r"]=0.1, ["g"]=0.1, ["b"]=0.2, ["a"]=0.5 },
		["fg"] = { ["r"]=1.0, ["g"]=1.0, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 },
	["border"] = {
		["size"] = 1,
		["color"] = { ["r"]=0.98, ["g"]=0.99, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.9 }
	["events"] = {
		["on_click"] = "ExampleTableCallback",
		["on_wheel"] = "",
		["on_drag"] = ""
	["table"] = {
		["row_colors"] = {
			{ ["r"]=0.8, ["g"]=0.9, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.1 },
			{ ["r"]=0.8, ["g"]=0.9, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.125 },
		["columns"] = {	
			{ ["name"] = "Column 1",	["width"] = 100,	["align"] = "left" },
			{ ["name"] = "Column 2",	["width"] = 100,	["align"] = "left" },
			{ ["name"] = "Column 3", 	["width"] = 100,	["align"] = "left" },
		["header"] = {
			["enabled"] = true,
			["height"] = 20,
		["scrollbar"] = {
			["enabled"] = true,
			["size"] = 15,
			["pos"] = 1,
		["row_height"] = 20,
		["selection"] = {
			["row"] = 0,
			["color"] = { ["r"]=0.8, ["g"]=0.9, ["b"]=1.0, ["a"]=0.5 },
		["display"] = {
			["start"] = 1
		["rows"] = {
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
			{ "Item here", "Item there", "Items everywhere" },
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Create label object
local _p = {
	["type"] = "label",
	["name"] = "Label6",
	["x"] = 270, ["y"] = 345,
	["color"] = { ["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1 },
	["text"] = "Selected row: ",
	["font"] = "std",	-- std, h10, h12, h18
-- Register new component in aapi2
aapi2.CreateComponent(i, w, _p)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Example of an event callback function
function ExampleButtonCallback(i, w, c)
	-- First we need to find handles of components we want to interact with
	local _th = aapi2.GetComponentHandle(i, w, "TextBox1")
	local _eh = aapi2.GetComponentHandle(i, w, "EditBox1")
	-- Next we need to grab their properties
	local _tp = aapi2.GetComponentProperties(i, w, _th)
	local _ep = aapi2.GetComponentProperties(i, w, _eh)
	-- Now we can use property of one to affect property of the other
	_tp["text"] = _ep["text"]
	-- And that's it
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Another example of an event callback function
function ExampleSliderCallback(i, w, c)
	-- First we need to find handles of components we want to interact with
	local _ph = aapi2.GetComponentHandle(i, w, "ProgressBar1")
	local _sh = aapi2.GetComponentHandle(i, w, "Slider1")
	-- Next we need to grab their properties
	local _pp = aapi2.GetComponentProperties(i, w, _ph)
	local _sp = aapi2.GetComponentProperties(i, w, _sh)
	-- Now we can use property of one to affect property of the other
	_pp["bar"]["pos"] = _sp["bar"]["pos"]
	-- And that's it
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Another example of an event callback function
function ExampleTableCallback(i, w, c)
	-- First we need to find handles of components we want to interact with
	local _th = aapi2.GetComponentHandle(i, w, "Table1")
	local _lh = aapi2.GetComponentHandle(i, w, "Label6")
	-- Next we need to grab their properties
	local _tp = aapi2.GetComponentProperties(i, w, _th)
	local _lp = aapi2.GetComponentProperties(i, w, _lh)
	-- Now we can use property of one to affect property of the other
	_lp["text"] = "Selected row: ".._tp["table"]["selection"]["row"]
	-- And that's it
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