As an unauthorized user, I want to be able to log in using a form, so I can access my private gameshelves.
When I'm on the /login page:
I would like to be able to enter my username and preferred password in a form order to login.
When I enter an invalid username or password on the login form:
I would like the website to inform me of any validations I failed and
Fill any entries with the information added previously except for the password field
When I successfully fill out the username and password with valid login criteria
I would like the website to redirect me to the home page /
User Stories 2 - Sign Up
As an unauthorized user, I want to be able to sign up a new account under a new username and password using a form
When I'm on the /signup page:
I would like to be able to enter a chosen username and preferred password as well as a first name and last name in a form in order to create an account with that username and password.
When I press the Sign Up button with an empty first name on the Sign Up form:
Then the page will show a validation error of the missing first name field
When I press the Sign Up button with an empty last name on the Sign Up form:
Then the page will show a validation error of the missing last name field
When I press the Sign Up button with an empty username on the Sign Up form:
Then the page will show a validation error of the missing username field
When I press the Sign Up button with a username that already exists in the database:
Then the page will show a validation error of the username already existing
When I successfully fill out the Sign Up form username and password fields with valid criteria
I would like the website to redirect me to the home page /
User Stories 3 - Demo User
As an unregistered and unauthorized user, I want to see a easy to find button on both the /signup and /login pages that allows me to continue browsing the site as a guest user, without having to sign up or login
When I click on the demo user button
I would like to be logged in as a normal user to test the site's functionality
Log Out
As a logged in user, I want to log out via an easy to find log out button on the navigation bar.
While on any page of the site:
I can log out of my account and be redirected to a page displaying the homepage.
So that I can easily log out to keep my information secure.
Manage GameShelves
As a logged in user I should be able to add games to different game shelves, to mark them as currently
playing, has played, or want to play.
When I'm on /games/:id I can add games to the one of the three shelves or a custom shelf via drop
When I am on /games I can add games to the three shelves or a custom shelf via drop down for each
When I am on /gameshelves/want-to-play I can delete and view my games I want to play.
When I am on /gameshelves/currently-playing I can delete and view my games I am currently playing.
When I am on /gameshelves/have-played I can delete and view my games I have played.
Custom GameShelves
As a logged in user when I am on /gameshelves I can view a list of my games shelves.
When I am on /gameshelves I can click on the button to add a custom game shelf.
When I click on the button to add a custom game shelf a text box will appear with an add button next to it.
When I click the add button with a valid input in the text field a shelf by that name will be added to my game
Create Reviews
As a logged in user when I am viewing a game on /games/:id
I can create a new review with a content and rating
When I am viewing a game that I have already created a review for I cannot see the button to add a new review.
Edit Reviews
As a logged in user when I am viewing a game on /games/:id that I have already reviewed
I can click an edit button to modify the content and rating of my review for that game
View Reviews
As a logged in user when I am viewing a game on /games/:id that I have already reviewed
I can see a section below that game description showing the content and rating of my review