onSelect - landrisek/impala GitHub Wiki


Annotations are used within array of columns passed as argument in $this->grid->select($columns) method OR as comment in MySQL columns: Key of array is alias use in SQL as "...FROM table.column AS alias..." and also as first argument for \Nette\Localization\Itranslator::translate method $this->grid->table('table')         ->select('alias'=>'table.column@annotation')

Mock column for IBuild, IUpdate, IFilter:

        ->select('alias'=>'@annotation')         ->select('alias'=>null)

Annotations in filtering through IBuilder::select

@Api:Demo (not show column in all actions of ApiModule\DemoPresenter) @Api:Demo:default (not show column in default action of ApiModule\DemoPresenter) @addMultiSelect (create multiselect from table column) @addDate (add datepicker as filter) @addDateTime (add datetimepicker as filter) @addCheckbox (add checkbox as filter) @addRange (add date range as filter) @addSelect (add selectbox as filter) @addText (add text input as filter) @atrributes{"class":"form-control datetimepicker"} (attributes of filter in VALID json) @disable (render but disable column) @email (email validator) @fetch (set first available default value in FilterForm) @hidden (does not render nor select column from table) @onchange (->setAttribute("onchange", "submit()") @required (->isRequired) @style{"float":"left"} (style for filter input in VALID json) @summary (final summary for given column by SUM statement without offset limitation) @unedit (does not render column in IRowFormFactory) @unfilter (does not render filter for given column) @unrender (select column for filtering and where clause but not render in grid) @unexport (exclude from export if enabled with export method) @upload (->addUpload) @where{"anotherColumn":"default value"} (trigger additional clause in case of filtering given column) @textarea (->addTextArea)