Form - landrisek/impala GitHub Wiki
You can create your own react form using all advantage of validators and asynchronous javascript rerendering only for specific component by extending ReactForm:
With your own react component:
final class MyForm extends Impala\ReactForm { public function __construct(string $assets, \Impala\IBuilder $builder, \Nette\Http\IRequest $request) { parent::__construct($myAssets . '/MyForm.js', null, $request); $this->builder = $builder; } or: public function __construct(string $assets, Nette\Http\IRequest $request) { parent::__construct($myAssets . '/MyForm.js', 'myId', $request); }
Without your own react component (only php):
final class MyForm extends Impala\ReactForm { public function __construct(string $assets, \Nette\Http\IRequest $request, \Nette\Localization\ITranslator $translatorRepository) { parent::__construct($impalaAssets . '/GeneralForm.js', 'generalForm', $request); $this->translatorRepository = $translatorRepository; } public function attached(\Nette\ComponentModel\IComponent $presenter): void { parent::attached($presenter); if ($presenter instanceof \Nette\Application\IPresenter) { $this->addText('email', ucfirst($this->translationsRepository->translate('email')))->addRule(\Impala\Validators::EMAIL); } }
Overriding validation and submit methods:
public function handleValidate(): void { $values = $this->builder->getPost('row'); $validators = []; if(!is_string($values['myString'])) { $validators['myKey'] = self::NOT_STRING; } $this->getPresenter()->sendResponse(\Nette\Applications\Responses\JsonResponse($validators)); } public function handleSubmit(): void { $values = $this->builder->getPost('row'); }
Google map:
$this->addGoogleMap('gps', 'Gps', ['data' => ['Latitude' => $row['latitude'], 'Longitude' => $row['longitude'], 'Zoom' => 11]]);
In php you need your nette component to extend Impala\ReactForm In react you need your react component to extend file in Form.jsx on github $form = new ReactForm(); $form->addProgressBar('submitId'); $form->addSubmit('submitId','onClick'=>'start'); Added progressbar would be bind to Impala:handlePrepare(), Impala:handleRun(), Impala:handleDone() or running, progressBarId) method in Form.jsx can be overloaded in react child component
As Impala\ReactForm need to concat keys with numerics values with underscore (e.g. "_6"), Impala\IRowBuilder must treat this in update methods. This is provide in automatic test RowBuilder.phpt and depend on setting primary keys for testUser in config: