Dependency injection - landrisek/impala GitHub Wiki
First inject IBuilder and IRowBuilder. /** @var \Impala\IBuilder * / public $grid; /** @var \Impala\IRowBuilder * / public $row; There are kinds of value objects holding your SQL or noSQL queries before fetching. Injection of grid and edit row components is following: /** @var \Impala\IImpalaFactory @inject * / public $impalaFactory; /** @var \Impala\IImpalaFormFactory @inject * / public $impalaFormFactory;
Presenter action method
Define your builder (value objects) source tables, selection of columns and where clauses in presenter action method by similar way as in Nette Database: public actionDefault($value) { $this->grid->table('table') ->where('column', $value); } As third parameter you can include callback which if return false, then given where clause will be omited. ->where('column', $value, function($value) { return !empty($value); }) Native queries are supported by method leftJoin / innerJoin / join which when used, it is obvious NetteDatabase with foreign key cannot be used: ->leftJoin('table ON table.column = table2.column2')
Create components
protected function createComponentImpala() { return $this->ImpalaFactory->create() ->setGrid($this->grid); } protected function createComponentImpalaForm() { return $this->ImpalaFormFactory->create() ->setRow($this->row); }
IBuilder in repository class
You can add grid dependency in model and define all necessary sources and clauses directly in your repository public function __construct(\Impala\IBuilder $grid) { $this->grid = $grid } /** @return \Impala\IBuilder */ public function getGrid($value) { return $this->grid->table($this->getSource()) ->where('column', $value); } In this way you can have queries outside of presenters and keep your code clean.
Native template system for Impala is latte {control impala} {control impalaForm}
Using more grids on same page
Action method in presenter: public actionDefault() { $this->grid->table($table) $this->anotherGrid->cloned()->table($table) } Create component method: protected function createComponentAnotherImpala() { return $this->ImpalaFactory->cloned()->create() ->setGrid($this->anotherGrid); }