Wrap iOS with Intune - lancevo/ionic-docs GitHub Wiki

Wrap iOS with Intune

Azure doc

You will need the following to distribute apps wrapped by Intune:

  • A developer account with the Apple Developer Enterprise Program.
  • In-house and ad-hoc distribution signing certificate with valid Team Identifier.
  • You will need the SHA1 hash of the signing certificate as a parameter to the Intune App Wrapping Tool. (See Step #16)
  • In-house distribution provisioning profile.


  • Archive the project in XCode
  • Open the downloaded Wrapping Tools, and it will mount a folder and assuming it's IntuneMAMPackager, otherwise it's listed in /Volumes.

Run the command below to wrap it

/Volumes/IntuneMAMPackager/Contents/MacOS/IntuneMAMPackager -i /<path of input app>/<app filename> -o /<path to output folder>/<app filename> -p /<path to provisioning profile> -c <SHA1 hash of the certificate> [-b [<output app build string>]] [-v] [-e] [-x /<array of extension provisioning profile paths>]

/Volumes/IntuneMAMAppPackager/IntuneMAMPackager/Contents/MacOS/IntuneMAMPackager -i ./App.ipa -o ./App_wrapped.ipa -p ./MyApp.mobileprovision -c "93 ..... 1D" -v true