Gameplay & Mechanics - lamunedx/CSC4263-ART4240 GitHub Wiki
1. Gameplay
- The concept of the game is that you are given a song with a certain beat per minute (BPM) and that you have to put in your fighting moves at those inputs. You can move and block at any time.
- You and the enemy both have a health bar and can be damaged by each other depending on whether or not your moves connect.
Modified Gameplay: The concept of the game is to fight the enemy and win the fight. Due to time constraints, we removed music synchronization part from our game.
Keyboard controls
Player 1: Player 2: Backward --> A --> Left arrow Forward --> D --> Right arrow Crouch--> S --> Down arrow Jump --> Space --> Keypad Enter Left Punch --> E --> K Right Punch --> R --> J Kick --> F --> O Block --> Q --> L UpperCut --> Hold W, Press E --> Hold up Arrow, Press K
Xbox Controller controls (Arrangement for two player controls)
Movement --> Left Joy Stick Jump --> Y Kick --> B Left Punch --> A Right Punch --> X Upper Cut --> Hold Up Direction + A
2. Mechanics
Physics Players have punch collider and kick colliders as capsule colliders in Unity. Tuning animations and player controls was a hard task.
Game controller In the game controller, we have created animation for every move and then we attached it to game controller state machine. Player controller these animations. Depends upon a key control animation will be played. The damage and Koed animation is attached to any state that means these states can be reached anytime in a game.
- Punch
- Kick
- Block
- Front
- Back
- Dodge
- Disco background lights
3. Screen Flow
Main Menu >> Character selection screen >> resume >> Play >> Game Over screen
4. Replaying & Saving
You are able to replay after you defeat the enermy and go back to main menu to change characters or rematch with the current enermy.