Gameplay & Mechanics - lamunedx/CSC4263-ART4240 GitHub Wiki

1. Gameplay

  • The concept of the game is that you are given a song with a certain beat per minute (BPM) and that you have to put in your fighting moves at those inputs. You can move and block at any time.
  • You and the enemy both have a health bar and can be damaged by each other depending on whether or not your moves connect.

Modified Gameplay: The concept of the game is to fight the enemy and win the fight. Due to time constraints, we removed music synchronization part from our game.


  1. Keyboard controls

       Player 1:                     Player 2:
       Backward --> A                --> Left arrow
       Forward  --> D                --> Right arrow
       Crouch--> S                   --> Down arrow
       Jump --> Space                --> Keypad Enter
       Left Punch --> E              --> K
       Right Punch --> R             --> J
       Kick --> F                    --> O
       Block --> Q                   --> L
       UpperCut --> Hold W, Press E  --> Hold up Arrow, Press K
  2. Xbox Controller controls (Arrangement for two player controls)

       Movement --> Left Joy Stick
       Jump --> Y
       Kick --> B
       Left Punch --> A
       Right Punch --> X
       Upper Cut --> Hold Up Direction + A

2. Mechanics

  • Physics Players have punch collider and kick colliders as capsule colliders in Unity. Tuning animations and player controls was a hard task.

  • Game controller In the game controller, we have created animation for every move and then we attached it to game controller state machine. Player controller these animations. Depends upon a key control animation will be played. The damage and Koed animation is attached to any state that means these states can be reached anytime in a game.

  • Movement

    1. Punch
    2. Kick
    3. Block
    4. Front
    5. Back
    6. Dodge
  • Lights

    1. Disco background lights
  • Objects

  • Enemies

  • Actions

3. Screen Flow

Main Menu >> Character selection screen >> resume >> Play >> Game Over screen

4. Replaying & Saving

You are able to replay after you defeat the enermy and go back to main menu to change characters or rematch with the current enermy.

5. Finishing the Game