Game Aesthetics & User Interface - lamunedx/CSC4263-ART4240 GitHub Wiki

This section will outline the graphical user interface of the game and how the game will roughly look. The styles of artwork were inpired by the 80s theme for it's futuristic look and it's simplistic yet beautiful backgounds.

Level Design & Tools

  • This game was created using Unity.
  • All the art assets were created using Adobe Photoshop or Paint Tool Sai.
  • The Music and Sounds of the game are created using our own voice in using Audacity and musics in

1. Start Screen

This is an entry point to the game for the users, from here the users will be presented with the following options:

  • Start: this will transition to the character selection screen
  • Credits: this will show the people who worked on the game
  • Settings: this is where the users will be able to modify their gameplay experience accordingly to their taste(this is not in scope for this project)

2. Character Selection Screen

This is the starting point of the actual game, the users will select their character that they want to play with. There are locked characters for the anticipation of adding more characters, but at the moment we only have 2 characters made. Once the users are done with their character selection, the game will transition to the game screen.

3. Game Screen

The actual game where you will be fighting. There are 90 sec to each fight. The players must KO the enermy or give more damage by the end of the timer in order to win the game. If in any circumstances players health bar was reduced the same amount, the game will be tied.

4. Ending Screen

  • Winner will display: you can replay the game or go back to the main menu from here.