Testing - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki
As a rule, all tests within a directory should not interfere with each other, it is expected that there is interference between directories. So you cannot call behave from the root of the distribution. You can call behave with behave/*.feature or behave/subdir/*.feature for each subdirectory.
The current release should work with Tryton 3.6 with a couple of tagged failures:look at each feature for the tags works32 works34 works36, and broken36. The latter means it was working, but has now broken in Tryton 3.6. Usually these are minor problems, but we just haven't had the time to fix it. To run only the features that are working in 3.6, use the
argument to behave.
Finally the @wip tag means a Work in Progress, which may or may not be working, or may not even be finished. To run only these features, use the
argument to behave. For details on behave's command line arguments, see the Features-behave_test page in the wiki, or the behave_test.feature file in features/.
The feature files, and the summaries of the available steps, are in the Wiki; see the TitleIndex for the pages that start with Feature or Steps.
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