Steps_trytond_stock - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki

STEP: Create a stock admin user named "{uName}" with login "{uLogin}" in group "{uGroup}"

Given \ Create a stock admin user named "{uName}" with login "{uLogin}" in group "{uGroup}"

STEP: Create a new stock.location named "{uName}" of type warehouse

Given \ Create a new stock.location named "{uName}" of type warehouse"

STEP: Create a new stock.location named "{uName}" of type "{uType}" of parent with code "{uParent}"

Given \ Create a new stock.location named "{uName}" of type "{uType}" of parent with code "{uParent}"

STEP: Add to inventory as user named "{uUser}" with storage at the location coded "{uCode}" ProductTemplates with |product|quantity|expected_quantity| fields

Given \ Create an Inventory as user named "{uUser}" with storage at the location with code "{uCode}" The following fields are the name of the product and the quantity and expected_quantity as floats.

name quantity expected_quantity
product 100.0 0.0

STEP: Create an Inventory as user named "{uUser}" with storage at the location coded "{uCode}"

Given \ Create an Inventory as user named "{uUser}" with storage at the location with code "{uCode}"

STEP: Stock Move of Product with description "{uProductDescription}" between locations with |name|value| fields

Stock Move of Product with description "uProductDescription" \ between locations with |name|value| fields

name value
uom unit
quantity 1
from_location SUP
to_location STO
planned_date TODAY
effective_date TODAY
unit_price 100
currency USD

STEP: Stock Move of ProductTemplate named "{uProductTemplate}" between locations with |name|value| fields

STEP: Stock Move of product of ProductTemplate named "{uProductTemplate}" between locations with |name|value| fields

Stock Move of product of ProductTemplate named "uProductTemplate" \ between locations with |name|value| fields

name value
uom unit
quantity 1
from_location SUP
to_location STO
planned_date TODAY
effective_date TODAY
unit_price 100
currency USD

Locations are location codes, not names.

STEP: Stock Internal Shipment of ProductTemplate named "{uProductTemplate}" between locations with |name|value| fields

Given \ Stock Internal Shipment of product of ProductTemplate named "uProductTemplate" \ between locations with |name|value| fields

name value
uom unit
quantity 1
from_location SUP
to_location STO
planned_date TODAY
effective_date TODAY

Locations are location codes, not names.

STEP: Stock Internal Shipment of Product with description "{uProductDescription}" between locations with |name|value| fields

Given \ Stock Internal Shipment of product of Product \ with description "uProductDescription" \ between locations with |name|value| fields

name value
uom unit
quantity 1
from_location SUP
to_location STO
planned_date TODAY
effective_date TODAY

Locations are location codes, not names.

STEP: Purchase on date "{uDate}" stock with description "{uDescription}" with their reference "{uRef}" as user named "{uUser}" in Currency coded "{uCur}" Products from supplier "{uSupplier}" to warehouse "{uWh}" with PaymentTerm "{uTerm}" and InvoiceMethod "{uMethod}" with |description|quantity|line_description|unit_price| fields

Given \ Purchase on date "TODAY" stock with description "Description" as user named "Purchase" Products from supplier "Supplier" to warehouse "WH" with PaymentTerm "Direct" and InvoiceMethod "order" If the quantity is the word comment, the line type is set to comment. with |description|quantity|line_description| fields

description quantity line_description unit_price
product 2.0 10.00
product comment Comment
product 3.0 10.00

STEP: Purchase on date "{uDate}" stock with description "{uDescription}" with their reference "{uRef}" as user named "{uUser}" in Currency coded "{uCur}" Products from supplier "{uSupplier}" to warehouse "{uWh}" with PaymentTerm "{uTerm}" and InvoiceMethod "{uMethod}" with |description|quantity|line_description| fields

Given \ Purchase on date "TODAY" stock with description "Description" as user named "Purchase" in Currency coded "uCur" Products from supplier "Supplier" to warehouse "WH" with PaymentTerm "Direct" and InvoiceMethod "order" If the quantity is the word comment, the line type is set to comment. with |description|quantity|line_description| fields

description quantity line_description
product 2.0
product comment Comment
product 3.0

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