Steps_trytond_account - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki
FixMe?: migrate this to use: from import create_company, \ get_company from import create_fiscalyear, \ create_chart, get_accounts import \ set_fiscalyear_invoice_sequences, create_payment_term
STEP: Create this fiscal year
STEP: Create this fiscal year without Invoicing
Given \ Create the fiscal year "TODAY" without Invoicing
STEP: Create the fiscal year "{uYear}" without Invoicing
Given \ Creates a fiscal year 'uYear' with a non-Strict post_move_seq. Create the company first before creating fiscal years.
STEP: Create this fiscal year with Invoicing
Given \ Create the fiscal year "TODAY" with Invoicing
STEP: Create the fiscal year "{uYear}" with Invoicing
Given \ Creates a fiscal year 'uYear' with a non-Strict move_sequence and a Strict invoice_sequence for account.invoice. Create the company first.
STEP: Create this fiscal year with a non-strict post_move_seq
Given \ Create the fiscal year "TODAY.year" with a non-Strict post_move_seq
STEP: Create the fiscal year "{uYear}" with a non-Strict post_move_seq
Given \ Creates a fiscal year 'uYear' with a non-Strict post_move_seq. Create the company first.
STEP: Create a default Minimal Account Chart
Given \ Create a default chart of accounts from template "Minimal Account Chart" with root "Minimal Account Chart"
STEP: Create a chart of accounts from template "{uTem}" with root "{uRoot}"
Given \ Create a chart of accounts from template "{uTem}" with root account "{uRoot}". Before you do this, with the step 'Set the feature data with values:' set the feature data as a |name|value| table for:
- party,company_name
- account.template,main_receivable
- account.template,main_payable
- account.template,main_revenue
- account.template,main_expense
- account.template,main_cash
STEP: Set the default credit and debit accounts on the cash Journal
STEP: Create a PaymentTerm named "{uTermName}" with "{uNum}" days remainder
Given \ Create a account.invoice.payment_term with name 'uTermName' with a account.invoice.payment_term.line of type 'remainder', and days=uNum. Idempotent.
STEP: Create a tax named "{uTaxName}" with fields
Given \ Create a tax named "10% Sales Tax" with fields
name | value |
description | 10% Sales Tax |
type | percentage |
rate | .10 |
invoice_base_code | invoice base |
invoice_tax_code | invoice tax |
credit_note_base_code | credit note base |
credit_note_tax_code | credit note tax |
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