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This package provides scenario testing for trytond using behave and behaving BDD (Behaviour Driven Development), and for loading trytond database data and code using BDD. The module is a work-in-progress.

Behaviour Driven Development allows us to refactor the scenarios in Tryton's doctests, to provide easy-to-use templates for end-users to carry out the major tasks of Tryton. By migrating doctest scenarios to behave scenari, the testing moves from the developer into the hands of the end-user. At the same time, duplication of code is eliminated.

Tests are contained is textual feature files written in a domain specific natural language with a Gherkin syntax, in the files: tests/features/*/*.feature

The steps of the domain language draw on the Python definitions in: src/behaving/trytond/steps/*.py. These steps then are activated in the *.feature file by the Python import statements in tests/features/steps/

We have parameterized the steps code so that it is easier to use the feature files for more than just testing, but for real-world loading of data. We gather all of this parameterization into a file environment.cfg that should sit beside the features file. It lets you parameterize things like usernames, passwords, and names of accounts in the accounting charts. As distributed, there is an environment.cfg.en file that serves as a template in English; copy environment.cfg.en to environment.cfg and edit it. See Installation

For modularity, there is a local python module of undecorated Python code: tests/features/steps/support/

behaving.trytond is inspired by OpenERPScenario: https:/// (formerly http:/// which uses behave: for BDD testing of OpenERP (v6.x and 7.0). behaving.trytond uses proteus for JSONRPC to the trytond.

It has been structured to use the behaving namespace from and requires that package as a prerequisite. This allows us to draw from other behaving namespace packages, to use behaving.web for example to test sao.

Active development is on Tryton 3.6; see


The Documentation is in the Wiki:

The feature files, and the summaries of the available steps, are in the Wiki:


Use the Wiki to start topics for discussion. You will need to be signed into to edit in the wiki.

Please format wiki pages as Creole. For info on Creole, see

Please file any bugs in the issues tracker.

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