Features_trytond_scenario_stock_average_cost_price - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki

@works32 @works34 @works36

Feature: Stock Average Cost Price Scenario

These are straight cut-and-paste from Trytond doctests from trytond_stock-3.2.3/tests/ https://github.com/lampmantech/trytond_scenari/master/raw/tests/features/trytond/stock/scenario_stock_average_cost_price.rst

Scenario: test stock

Given Create database with pool.test set to True
And Ensure that the "account" module is loaded
And Ensure that the "stock" module is loaded
And Create parties
And Set the default feature data
And Set the feature data with values

name value
account.template,main_cogs COGS
account.template,stock Stock
account.template,stock_customer Stock Customer
account.template,stock_lost_found Stock Lost and Found
account.template,stock_production Stock Production
account.template,stock_supplier Stock Supplier

Scenario: Create the company to test the module

We have no chart of accounts.

Given Create the company with default COMPANY_NAME and Currency code "USD"
And Reload the default User preferences into the context

Scenario: Create the ProductTemplate for the products that we will stock

We have no chart of accounts.

Given Create an instance of "product.template"
named "T/SACP Product Template" with |name|value| fields

name value
type goods
list_price 300
cost_price 80
default_uom Unit
cost_price_method average

And Stock Move of product of ProductTemplate named "T/SACP Product Template"
between locations with |name|value| fields

name value
uom Unit
quantity 1
from_location SUP
to_location STO
planned_date TODAY
effective_date TODAY
unit_price 100
currency USD

And T/SACP Check Cost Price is 100
And Stock Move of product of ProductTemplate named "T/SACP Product Template"
between locations with |name|value| fields

name value
uom Unit
quantity 1
from_location SUP
to_location STO
planned_date TODAY
effective_date TODAY
unit_price 200
currency USD

And T/SACP Check Cost Price is 150

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