Features_trytond_scenario_move_template - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki
Adapted from the file trytond_account-3.6.0/tests/ https://github.com/lampmantech/trytond_scenari/master/raw/tests/features/trytond/move_template/scenario_move_template.rst
A move template allows one to configure predefined moves. A Move Template is defined by the following fields
- Name
- Company
- Keywords - The list of keywords used in the template.
- Journal
- Date - The date of the move. It must be leaved empty for today.
- Description - The description of the move. The keyword values can be substituted using the name surrounded by braces ('{' and '}').
- Lines - The list of template lines.
- Active
Move Template Keywords The keywords define the values asked to user to create the move based on the template. The fields are:
- Name
- String - The label used in the wizard form.
- Sequence - The sequence used to order the fields in the wizard form.
- Type - char, numeric, date, party
- Digits - Only for numeric keyword.
Move Line Template
- Operation - debit or credit
- Amount - An expression that can use any keywords to compute the amount.
- Account
- Party - Only for account that requires a party.
- Description
- Taxes - The list of template tax lines
Tax Line Template
- Amount - An expression that can use any keywords to compute the amount.
- Code - The tax code to use.
- Tax
A wizard to create moved base on templates is available in the *Entries* menu. The templates are also available as actions when opening a journal.
Given Create database with pool.test set to True
And Ensure that the "account_invoice" module is loaded
And Set the default feature data
Then the "account_invoice" module is in the list of loaded modules
Given Create the company with default COMPANY_NAME and Currency code "USD"
And Reload the default User preferences into the context
And Create this fiscal year with Invoicing
And Create a chart of accounts
from template "Minimal Account Chart"
with root "Minimal Account Chart"
And Create a saved instance of "party.party" named "Supplier"
And Create a tax named "10% Sales Tax" with fields
name | value |
description | 10% Sales Tax |
type | percentage |
rate | .10 |
invoice_base_code | invoice base |
invoice_tax_code | invoice tax |
credit_note_base_code | credit note base |
credit_note_tax_code | credit note tax |
Given Create a MoveTemplate named "Test Move Template" on Journal coded "CASH"
And Add keywords to a MoveTemplate named "Test Move Template" with description "{party} - {description}" and |name|string|type|digits| following
name | string | type | digits |
party | Party | party | |
description | Description | char | |
amount | Amount | numeric | 2 |
rate | Tax Rate | numeric | 3 |
date | Date | char |
Given T/AIMT Add lines to a MoveTemplate named "Test Move Template" with Tax "10% Sales Tax" and |amount|account|tax|party|operation| following
amount | account | tax | party | operation |
amount | payable | party | credit | |
amount / 1.1 | expense | base | party | debit |
amount * (1 - 1/1.1) | invoice_account | tax | party | debit |
Given Create a move from a MoveTemplate named "Test Move Template" on date "TODAY" with |name|value| keywords following
name | value |
party | Supplier |
description | Test Move Template TODAY |
amount | 12.24 |
Then T/AIMT Check the moves with the description "Supplier - Test Move Template TODAY" and Tax named "10% Sales Tax"
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