Features_trytond_scenario_invoice_supplier - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki

@works32 @works34 @works36

Feature: Run the Trytond scenario_invoice_supplier doctests

adapted from the file in trytond_account_invoice-3.0.0/tests/ https://github.com/lampmantech/trytond_scenari/master/raw/tests/features/trytond/account_invoice/scenario_invoice_supplier.rst

Scenario: Setup the tests of the module named "account_invoice"

Given Create database with pool.test set to True
And Ensure that the "account_invoice" module is loaded
And Set the default feature data
Then the "account_invoice" module is in the list of loaded modules

Given Create the company with default COMPANY_NAME and Currency code "USD"
And Reload the default User preferences into the context
And Create this fiscal year with Invoicing
And Create a chart of accounts
from template "Minimal Account Chart"
with root "Minimal Account Chart"
And Create a saved instance of "party.party" named "Supplier"
And Create a PaymentTerm named "Term" with "0" days remainder
And Create a tax named "10% Sales Tax" with fields

name value
description 10% Sales Tax
type percentage
rate .10
invoice_base_code invoice base
invoice_tax_code invoice tax
credit_note_base_code credit note base
credit_note_tax_code credit note tax

And Create a ProductTemplate named "Service Product"
with supplier_tax named "10% Sales Tax" with |name|value| fields

name value
type service
list_price 40
cost_price 20
default_uom Unit
account_expense Main Expense
account_revenue Main Revenue
cost_price_method fixed

And Create a product with description "Services Bought"
from template "Service Product"
And Create an Invoice on date "TODAY"
with description "Buy the Services Bought" and
a PaymentTerm named "Term" to supplier "Supplier" with
following |description|quantity|unit_price|account|currency| fields

description quantity unit_price account currency
Services Bought 5
Test 1 10.00 Main Expense

Then TS/AIS Post the invoice with description "Buy the Services Bought" and assert the taxes named "10% Sales Tax" are right
And TS/AIS Create a credit note for the invoice
with description "Buy the Services Bought" and assert the amounts

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