Features_trytond_scenario_account_stock_anglo_saxon_with_drop_shipment - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki
@works32 @works34 @broken36
adapted from trytond_account_stock_anglo_saxon-3.2.1/tests/ https://github.com/lampmantech/trytond_scenari/master/raw/tests/features/trytond/sale_supply_drop_shipment/scenario_account_stock_anglo_saxon_with_drop_shipment.rst
Works, but still UNFINISHED.
Given Create database with pool.test set to True
And Ensure that the "account_stock_anglo_saxon" module is loaded
And Ensure that the "sale_supply_drop_shipment" module is loaded
And Ensure that the "sale" module is loaded
And Ensure that the "purchase" module is loaded
And Set the default feature data
And Set the feature data with values
name | value |
account.template,main_cogs | COGS |
account.template,stock | Stock |
account.template,stock_customer | Stock Customer |
account.template,stock_lost_found | Stock Lost and Found |
account.template,stock_production | Stock Production |
account.template,stock_supplier | Stock Supplier |
Then the "account_stock_anglo_saxon" module is in the list of loaded modules
Given Create parties
And Create the company with default COMPANY_NAME and Currency code "USD"
And Reload the default User preferences into the context
And Create this fiscal year with Invoicing
And Create a sale user
And Create a purchase user
And Create a stock user
And Create a account user
And Create a default Minimal Account Chart
And Set the default credit and debit accounts on the cash Journal
Given Create a saved instance of "product.category" named "Category"
And Create a ProductTemplate named "Product Template" with stock accounts from features from a ProductCategory named "Category" with |name|value| fields
name | value |
type | goods |
cost_price_method | fixed |
purchasable | True |
salable | True |
list_price | 10 |
cost_price | 5 |
delivery_time | 0 |
default_uom | Unit |
account_expense | Main Expense |
account_revenue | Main Revenue |
account_cogs | COGS |
stock_journal | STO |
supply_on_sale | True |
And Create a product with description "T/ASASDS Product Description" from template "Product Template"
And Create a PaymentTerm named "Direct" with "0" days remainder
Given T/ASASDS Account Stock Anglo-Saxon with Drop Shipment Scenario
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