Features_trytond_scenario_account_stock_anglo_saxon - lampmantech/behaving.trytond GitHub Wiki

@works32 @works34 @broken36

Feature: Run the Trytond scenario_account_stock_anglo_saxon doctests

adapted from the file scenario_account_stock_anglo_saxon.rst in trytond_account_stock_anglo_saxon-2.8.0/tests/

Scenario: Setup the tests of the module named "account_stock_anglo_saxon"

Given Create database with pool.test set to True
And Ensure that the "account_stock_anglo_saxon" module is loaded
And Ensure that the "sale" module is loaded
And Ensure that the "purchase" module is loaded
And Set the default feature data
And Set the feature data with values

name value
account.template,main_cogs COGS
account.template,stock Stock
account.template,stock_customer Stock Customer
account.template,stock_lost_found Stock Lost and Found
account.template,stock_production Stock Production
account.template,stock_supplier Stock Supplier

Then the "account_stock_anglo_saxon" module is in the list of loaded modules

Scenario: Create the company to test the module named "account_stock_anglo_saxon"

Given Create the company with default COMPANY_NAME and Currency code "EUR"
And Reload the default User preferences into the context
And Create this fiscal year with Invoicing
And Set the fiscal years to use anglo-saxon accounting
And Create a chart of accounts from template "Minimal Account Chart"
with root "Minimal Account Chart"
And Create a saved instance of "party.party" named "Supplier"
And Create a saved instance of "product.category" named "Category"
And Create a party named "Customer" with an account_payable attribute

Scenario: Buy the products from the supplier, testing the module named "account_stock_anglo_saxon"

Given Create a user named "Accountant" with the fields

name value
login accountant
password accountant
group Account

And Create a PaymentTerm named "Direct" with "0" days remainder
And Create a ProductTemplate named "product" with stock accounts
from features from a ProductCategory named "Category"
with |name|value| fields

name value
type goods
cost_price_method fixed
purchasable True
salable True
list_price 10
cost_price 5
delivery_time 0
default_uom Unit
account_expense Main Expense
account_revenue Main Revenue

And T/ASAS/SASAS Create products of type "goods"
from the ProductTemplate named "product" with fields

name cost_price_method description
product_fixed fixed Product Fixed
product_average average Product Average

And Create a Purchase Order with description "12 products"
from supplier "Supplier" with fields

name value
invoice_method shipment
payment_term Direct
purchase_date TODAY

And T/ASAS/SASAS Purchase products on the P. O.
with description "12 products"
from supplier "Supplier" with quantities

description quantity unit_price
Product Fixed 5.0 4
Product Average 7.0 6

And T/ASAS/SASAS Quote and Confirm and Process a P. O.
with description "12 products" from supplier "Supplier"
And T/ASAS/SASAS Receive 9 products from the P. O.
with description "12 products" from supplier "Supplier"
with quantities

description quantity
Product Fixed 4.0
Product Average 5.0

And T/ASAS/SASAS After receiving 9 products assert the account credits and debits
And T/ASAS/SASAS Open a purchase invoice to pay for what we received
from the P. O. with description "12 products"
to supplier "Supplier" with prices

description unit_price
Product Fixed 6.00
Product Average 4.00

And T/ASAS/SASAS After paying for what we received
assert the account credits and debits

Scenario: Sell the products to the customer, \

testing the module named "account_stock_anglo_saxon"

Given Create a sales order with description "Sell 5 products"
in Currency coded "EUR" to customer "Customer"
on date "NOW" with |name|value| fields

name value
invoice_method shipment
payment_term Direct

And Sell Products on the S. O. with description "Sell 5 products"
to customer "Customer" with |description|quantity| fields

description quantity
Product Fixed 2.0
Product Average 3.0

And Ship the products on "TODAY" of the S. O.
with description "Sell 5 products" to customer "Customer"
And T/ASAS/SASAS After shipping to customer assert the account credits and debits
And Post customer Invoice for the S. O.
with description "Sell 5 products" to customer "Customer"
And T/ASAS/SASAS After posting the invoice to customer
assert the account credits and debits
And T/ASAS/SASAS Create an Invoice to supplier "Supplier"
with PaymentTerm "Direct" by an accountant with quantities

description quantity unit_price
Product Fixed 5.0 4.00

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