Requirements - lamondlu/Library GitHub Wiki


There are user service, book inventory service and book rental service in the system.

User Service

  • There are two role in the system, Admin User and Customer.
  • Admin user can add/edit/update/delete customer information.
  • If assigned customer has unreturned books, admin user can't remove it in the system.
  • Admin user and customer can update their information(FirstName, LastName, MiddleName).
  • Admin user and customer can update their password.

Book Inventory Service

  • Admin user can add/edit/delete book.
  • Admin user can bulk import book inventory.
  • Book are the following fields
    • Book Name(Required)
    • ISBN(Required, Unique)
    • Description
    • IssuedDate(Required)
  • There are two book inventory statuses in the system, In/Out.

Book Rental Service

  • If one book inventory has been rented by one customer, it can't be rented by others.
  • One customer can rent 3 books at most.