Implmentation Optimizations - lambda-land/VDBMS GitHub Wiki

These are possible optimizations we can do to improve the runtime of vqueries besides applying the variational relational algebra optimization rules to the vqueries before running them:

  1. Incremental query evaluation by using temp tables. e.g. run q1 join q2 only once in q1 join q2 join f<q3,q4>.
  2. Considering operations on tuples' presence conditions as operations on strings instead of converting them to feature expression back and forth.
  3. Smart union before join? q1 join q2 join f<q3,q4> it might be more performent to disjoin the result of q3 and q4 before joining them with q1 join q2? Ask Eric!
  4. Implement feature expressions as UDT and their operations as UDFs in the database engine.
  5. Extend the SqlValue library to allow for adding a data constructor for feature expressions and their functions?!
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