INIFile - lainz/lainzcodestudio GitHub Wiki
#INIFile.DeleteSection Deletes a section of an INI file.
INIFile.DeleteSection("C:\\temp\\inifile.ini", "Settings")
#INIFile.DeleteValue Deletes a value of an INI file.
INIFile.DeleteValue("C:\\temp\\inifile.ini", "Settings", "Color")
#INIFile.GetSectionNames Returns all of the section names on an INI file.
result_table = INIFile.GetSectionNames("C:\\temp\\inifile.ini")
#INIFile.GetValue Returns the data associated with a value in an INI file.
result_string = INIFile.GetValue("C:\\temp\\inifile.ini", "Settings", "Color")
#INIFile.GetValueNames Returns all of the value names on a section of an INI file.
result_table = INIFile.GetValueNames("C:\\temp\\inifile.ini", "Settings")
#INIFile.SetValue Sets the data for an INI file value.
INIFile.SetValue("C:\\temp\\inifile.ini", "Settings", "Color", "Black")