My games - lahtis/playonlinux GitHub Wiki
- Guild Complete pack
- Jagged Alliance 2
in steam client (windows games)
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- Arma 2
- Arma 2: Brittish Armed Forces
- Arma 2: Operation ArrowHead
- Arma 2: Operation ArrowHead beta
- Arma 2: Private Military Company
- Terraria
- Call of Duty: Modern warfare 2
- Company of Heroes
- Company of Heroes: Opposing Force
- Halflife
- Halflife 2
- Halflife episody 1
- Halflife episody 2
- Day of Defeat
- Counter Strike
- Deathmatch Classic
- Crysis
- Crysis Maximum Edition
- Crysis Warhead
- Crysis Wars
- FallOut 3
- Fuel
- Jagged Alliance: Crossfire
- Mount & Blade
- Mount & Blade: Warband
- Mount & Blade: with fire and swords