UI Mockup - lagecamp/CMPUT301W13T02 GitHub Wiki

User Interface

Main Screen


Wherein the ListView will be populated by saved recipes

MyKitchen (list of users current ingredients on hand)


Wherein the ListView will be populated by the list of ingredients the user has available

View a Recipe (with spaghetti as an example recipe)


Viewing a recipe that was found as a result of a search. The difference here is that the user does not have the recipe in there personal collection, so edit and delete are not applicable. Also instead of being able to publish the recipe, the user can download it into their own collection.


Search Recipes ==> the chef enters with the information he wants and clicks OK

Search Recipes ==> the system displays results

Search Recipes ==> if the chef wants to make a new search, he clicks "search" and the options for search come from the bottom of the screen