Storyboard - lagecamp/CMPUT301W13T02 GitHub Wiki


Searching for Recipes

John notices he has a lot of tomatoes in his kitchen. He wants to use the application to see what kinds of recipes he can make with his tomatoes by searching the web for tomato recipes.

1 He begins by launching the app. John currently doesn't have any recipes in his personal list, so it is blank. He selects 'Search' from the available options.


2 The search screen is displayed. John enters his keyword, "tomato" and selects the 'Search from web' option. He starts the search by selecting 'Ok'.


3 Some results appear on the screen. John likes the sound of the recipe 'Spaghetti' so he selects it from the list.


4 The view recipe screen for 'Spaghetti' is displayed. John reviews the recipe and decides he likes it, so he selects the 'Download' option.


5 John is returned to the main screen where his previously empty recipe list now has one entry, the 'Spaghetti' entry he just downloaded. John now has this recipe quickly available if he wants to make it.


Searching for Ingredients

John now wants to see what ingredients he has in his kitchen to decided what to make for supper.

1 He begins by launching the app and clicking on the 'My Kitchen' button on the main screen


2 The listview of his ingredients will pop up. He can either manually scroll through the list to see what ingredients he has or he may decide to simply search for a specific ingredient to see if he has enough of that ingredient


3 After he has pressed the search button, a search prompt will appear. He will then type in the keywords related to the ingredient he is looking for and press 'Search'


4 A listview of ingredients will appear that match the keywords he has entered. John can then click on the ingredient that he wants to look at


5 After he has clicked on the ingredient, he can view how much of it he has, or decide to edit the ingredient (change its name or the amount he has of it). John has now accomplished his goal of finding out what ingredients he has in his kitchen to decide what to make for supper