Release Planning - lagecamp/CMPUT301W13T02 GitHub Wiki

Release Planning for Part 2

For the third part project, we aim to implement the local part of application. Everything that deals with the webservice will be implemented later on. We hope to cover the following use cases:

(1). AddRecipe

(2). EditRecipe ==> with photos (the photos are less important)

(3). DeleteRecipe

(6). SearchRecipe ==> only the local search

(8). AddIngredient

(9). DeleteIngredient

(10). EditIngredient

(11). SearchIngredient

The users stories:

As a user, I want to record recipes.

As a user, executing a recipe I want to take photos and attach the photos to the recipe.

As a user, recipes I make can have multiple photos.

As a user, I should be able to retake photos I am taking, if I fail to take the photo I want to correct, so that I don't have erroneous photos.

As a user I want to be able to record/edit/view/modify the ingredients I already have.

As a user I want to be able to query for recipes that have the ingredients I already have. (but only locally, less important)

Release Planning for Part 3

For the fourth part of the project we would like to complete all of the user's requirements. To do this, most of our work will involve adding functionality to the online server and the ability to add photos. We will implement the following use cases:

(1). AddRecipe ==> Ability to add one or more photos

(2). EditRecipe ==> Ability to edit photos

(4). ShareRecipe

(5). PublishRecipe

(6). SearchRecipe ==> Search for recipes on the server

(7). DownloadRecipe

The User Stories:

As a user, I want to share recipes over email.

As a user, I want to publish recipes.

As a user, I want to have some recipes cached so that I don't need the internet to work for me to use this program.

As a user, I want to post and publish photos associated with the recipe.

As a user, executing a recipe I want to take photos and attach the photos to the recipe.

As a user, recipes I make can have multiple photos.

As a user, I can upload photos for other recipes I did not make, but were downloaded.

As a user, I should be able to retake photos I am taking, if I fail to take the photo I want to correct, so that I don't have erroneous photos.

As a user I should be able to get recipes from other users somehow.

----- (Added in March, 14th)

We'll implement the following new users stories (for Part 4):

  • As a user, I want to limit modifications of a recipe to myself only. -- Note: this doesn't have to be done server side, your app could enforce this. [l]
  • As a user, I want to read/write comments on a recipe. [l]

Those new user stories will be covered with changes to the EditRecipe (2) use case and with the new use case CommentRecipe (12).

Release Planning for Part 4

For the last part of the project (which we won't actually implement since the project is over) we would like to maintain and add new user functions as the user requests. We would also like to keep in contact with our customer to make sure that no new bugs arise. If they do we will fix them promptly. We will implement the following user stories:

As a user, I want to email other users recipes that they can immediately import into their recipe program.

As a user, I want to optionally browse recipes with only photos

As a user, I want to browse the most popular recipes based on their downloaded counts.

As a user, I want to organize ingredients into folders (like fridge, or cabin fridge) and be able to query recipes based on these folders.

Project Status

We have completed all our user stories and requirements that is required for the last part of the project.