List of Use Cases - lagecamp/CMPUT301W13T02 GitHub Wiki

  1. AddRecipe

  2. EditRecipe; remember to add photos

  3. DeleteRecipe

  4. ShareRecipe; sends recipe as an email

  5. UploadRecipe; sends to the server

  6. SearchRecipe (locally / from the internet); the system also needs to cache the results

  7. DownloadRecipe; you search and download a recipe that you like (but that you can't edit)

  8. AddIngredient

  9. DeleteIngredient

  10. EditIngredient

  11. SearchIngredient

New Use Cases (March 14, 2013)

(12). CommentRecipe

(13). ImportRecipeFromEmail

(14). BrowseRecipesWithPhotos

(15). BrowsePopularRecipes

(16). OrganizeIngredients

The new user cases were created in order to cover the following new user stories:

  • As a user, I want to limit modifications of a recipe to myself only. -- Note: this doesn't have to be done server side, your app could enforce this. [l]
  • As a user, I want to read/write comments on a recipe. [l]
  • As a user, I want to optionally browse recipes with only photos [s]
  • As a user, I want to email other users recipes that they can immediately import into their recipe program. [s]
  • As a user, I want to browse the most popular recipes based on their downloaded counts.[l]
  • As a user, I want to organize ingredients into folders (like fridge, or cabin fridge) and be able to query recipes based on these folders. [l]

We'll implement the following new users stories:

  • As a user, I want to limit modifications of a recipe to myself only. -- Note: this doesn't have to be done server side, your app could enforce this. [l]
  • As a user, I want to read/write comments on a recipe. [l]

Those new user stories will be covered with changes to the EditRecipe (2) use case and with the new use case CommentRecipe (12).