Bug Log - lagecamp/CMPUT301W13T02 GitHub Wiki
-I don't think the method getIngredients in IngredientList is really needed since load() can already do it. ===> It is important, because load opens the file every time it's called (time consuming). Besides, if load is called twice, it will return two lists (one for each call), and even though the contents of the objects in the two lists are the same, Java will consider the objects in the two lists to be different. [SOLVED]
-The amount of an ingredient can be decimal. [SOLVED]
-Sometimes when adding a new Recipe and pressing done, the name is left blank. Seems to happen randomly and I can't come up with the exact steps to reproduce the bug, but I've witnessed it a few times [SOLVED]
-Adding a new recipe: If you type in the name and procedure, and then go to add an ingredient, the name and procedure gets forgotten and you have to type it in again. [SOLVED]
-Adding a new recipe: the code allows you to add a recipe with blank fields [SOLVED]
-Searching for recipes: When you search for recipes and a list comes up, and then click on a recipe to view it, the left and right buttons will scroll through every recipe in the database and not just the searched ones. [SOLVED]