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Welcome to the CMPUT301W13T02 wiki!
June 2, 2013
Link to the video demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n39AE8iVKEg&feature=youtu.be
March 28, 2013
These are the tasks that should be completed before the due date (April 2nd, 4pm)
- Code => almost DONE, Luiz still need to work on the cache
- Javadoc and code conventions => DONE
- Reuse Statement => DONE
- Requirements => DONE (the new users stories are listed under the List of Use Cases page and their description is under the Use Cases page)
- Refactoring => Ryan
- UML diagrams => Luiz
- Release Planning => Brad
- Presentation => we will meet up on Monday, 10am to work on the presentation
The tests will be divided as follows:
- Ryan => DuplicateIngredientException
- Terri => ElasticSearchRecipe, Recipe & RecipeModel
- Brad => RemoteRecipes & ServerPermissionException
March 18, 2013
For the next part of the project, we'll divide the tasks as follows:
- Ryan will do the part of the photos
- Brad will do the part that allows the user to insert comments (changes to the model and to the views)
- Terri will create the class the allows the user to share recipes by email; some changes to the views will be necessary, so that the user can choose an email from his/her contacts list
- Luiz will work on the classes that deal with the server
We hope to have everything done by Thursday, so that we can plan the tests.
March 7, 2013 -- After Meeting
- We still need to apply the Code Conventions and do the documentation with Javadoc (each person will do for the classes he created)
- Luiz will generate the UML diagram
- Terri will create the Reuse Statement page
- Brad will do the Release Planning
- If we have time, we'll try to make the layout more uniform
For the tests:
- Brad will do the tests for Recipe
- Ryan will do the tests for MyKitchen (used to be called IngredientList)
- Li will do the tests for Ingredient
- Luiz will do the tests for RecipeModel
When I was importing the test project in my computer I (Luiz) faced some issues and I posted some ways to solve them here in case someone also faces those issues.
March 7, 2013
- We still need to apply the Code Conventions and do the documentation with Javadoc (each person will do for the classes he created)
- We expect to make the tests today
- Luiz will generate the UML diagram
- If we have time, we'll try to make the layout more uniform
(we have to do everything before March 11, 2013, the due date). The demo will be in the next lab
February 28, 2013
Next meeting on Sunday noon! On Sunday we'll discuss implementation details.
Ryan & Luiz will work with views and controller
- Ryan: MainActivity, ViewRecipeActivity and AddRecipeActivity (maybe combine the last two into one if it's possible)
- Luiz: SearchRecipeActivity and MyKitchenActivity
Brad & Li will work with the model
- Brad: RecipeModel and Recipe
- Li: IngredientModel and Ingredient
February 14, 2013 -- After Meeting
4 and 5 (license and release planning) are complete.
Luiz will complete 3.
All 4 of us should go over the requirements specification (and all the other sections) and fix any small errors or typos.
Ryan will complete 1.
February 14, 2013
Still need to complete:
2.Make use cases match the mockup UI
3.Make UML class diagrams
4.License the project
5.Release Planning