Basic Vector - laforge49/aatree GitHub Wiki
When configured with aatree.core.basic-opts, the Vector created by the function is an empty AAVector.
(ns aatree.basic-vector-examples
(:require [aatree.core :refer :all]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(def opts (basic-opts))
(def bv1 (conj (new-vector opts) 1 2 3))
(println bv1); -> [1 2 3]
(def bv2 (addn bv1 0 0))
(println bv2); -> [0 1 2 3]
(def bv3 (addn bv2 3 20))
(println bv3); -> [0 1 2 20 3]
(def bv4 (dropn bv3 1))
(println bv4); -> [0 2 20 3]
(def s1 (seq bv4))
(println s1); -> (0 2 20 3)
(println (count s1)); -> 4
(def s2 (next s1))
(println s2); -> (2 20 3)
(println (count s2)); -> 3
(println (rseq bv4)); -> (3 20 2 0)