Blocks - laforge49/JFile GitHub Wiki
A block on disk contains (1) a fixed-length header and (2) a variable-length byte array holding a serialized RootJid object. The header contains one or more of the following:
- The length of the variable-length byte array.
- A timestamp. And
- The checksum of the variable-length byte array.
Implementations of the Block interface model and are used to manage disk blocks. Each implementation handles a different type of header:
- LBlock has a 4-byte header which contains only the length of the variable-length byte array.
- LTBlock is 12 bytes long and contains both the length and time in milliseconds.
- LTA32Block is 20 bytes long and contains the length, time in milliseconds and an Adler32 checksum.
The Block API was designed to support three activities:
- Writing a block to disk in one I/O operation.
- Reading the block header. And
- Reading the variable-length byte array and validating its content.
As a convenience, Blocks also hold a long used as a file position, which is accessed using the getCurrentPosition and setCurrentPosition methods.
##Writing a Block to Disk
byte[] bytes = block.serialize();
- The setRootJid method resets the contents of the Block and saves a reference to a RootJid.
- The first time the serialize method is called, the RootJid is serialized, the header is initialized and everything is placed in a byte array--which is then returned, ready to be written to disk. Subsequent calls to serialize simply return the same byte array.
- This specifies where the block is to be written.
##Reading a Block Header
int headerLength = block.headerLength();
byte[] headerBytes = new byte[headerLength]
int byteArrayLength = setHeaderBytes(headerBytes);
- The headerLength method returns a constant value, though the value varies depending on which implementation of the Block interface is used.
- Create the headerBytes into which the header is to be read.
- Specify where the block is to be read from.
- Read the header.
- The setRootJid method is used to rfeset the contents of the block.
- The setHeaderBytes method deserializes the header and returns the length of the byte array.
##Reading the Variable-Length Byte Array
byte[] rootJidBytes = new byte[byteArrayLength];
boolean valid = setRootJidBytes(rootJidBytes);
if (!valid) ...
RootJid rootJid = getRootJid(mailbox, parent);
- Create the rootJidBytes into which the variable-length byte array is to be read.
- Read the variable-length byte array.
- The setRootJidBytes saves a reference to rootJidBytes and validates it against the already deserialized header.
- Make sure the rootJidBytes are valid.
- Create a rootJid from the rootJidBytes.
##JFile Classes Referenced on this Page