Speed - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki
This is a quick look at the heart of AsyncFP. Benchmarks were done with an Intel Core 2 Duo T6400 @ 2GHz. Overall, a simple echo timing test was able to pass a message in 83 nanoseconds, while a dual echo timing test that took advantage of the 2 hardware threads was able to pass a message in 51 nanoseconds, a 63% improvement. Effectively, everything runs single threaded (for high-performance) except as otherwise required.
- Asynchronous Messaging: The foundation.
- Buffered Messaging: Speed under load.
- Request / Response: Flow control.
- Synchronous Messaging: Fast interaction with idle actors.
- Bind: Multiple actors per message queue.
You can force an actor to use a separate thread when doing blocking I/O or when doing something that takes 2 microseconds or more by giving it an asynchronous mailbox. This should result in applications with good vertical scalability without having to design everything from the top down, which means code reuse is maximized.