Range - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki
A sequence over a range of integers is a handy thing to have, especially when testing, and this is what the Range actor provides. The implementation of Range is straight forward and, like EmptySeq, usually operates synchronously.
class Range(start: Int, limit: Int)
extends Sequence[Int, Int](mailbox, factory) {
override def first(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
rf(KVPair(start, start))
override def current(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
var key = msg.asInstanceOf[Current[Int]].key
if (key < start) key = start
if (key >= limit) rf(null)
else rf(KVPair(key, key))
override def next(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
var key = msg.asInstanceOf[Next[Int]].key
if (key < start) key = start
else key = key + 1
if (key >= limit) rf(null)
else rf(KVPair(key, key))
The range test is pretty simple.
val range = new Range(4, 6)
println(Future(range, First()))
println(Future(range, Current(3)))
println(Future(range, Next(4)))
println(Future(range, Next(5)))