Properties Sequence - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki

Systems and subsystems can, as we have seen, be configured using properties. The PropertiesSeq message, when sent to a SystemsContext which supports properties, returns a sequence over the properties specific to it.

First, a test driver.

case class DoIt()

class Driver extends Actor {
  bind(classOf[DoIt], doIt)

  def doIt(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
    systemServices(PropertiesSeq()) {
      rsp1 => {
        val seq = rsp1.asInstanceOf[Sequence[String, String]]
        seq(Loop((key: String, value: String) => println(key+" -> "+value))) {
          rsp2 => rf(null)

Now the test code.

val p1 = new Properties
p1.put("a", "1")
p1.put("b", "2")
p1.put("c", "3")
val systemServices = SystemServices(new PropertiesComponentFactory, properties = p1)
val p2 = new Properties
p2.put("b", null)
p2.put("c", "11")
p2.put("d", "12")
val aSubsystem = Subsystem(systemServices, new PropertiesComponentFactory, properties = p2)
val driver = new Driver
Future(driver, DoIt())


b -> null
c -> 11
d -> 12

