Properties - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki
Properties are used to configure both the top-level system and subsystems. This is best demonstrated by an example. First, a simple driver.
case class DoIt()
class Driver extends Actor {
bind(classOf[DoIt], doIt)
def doIt(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
println("a = " + GetProperty("a")) //set in p1
println("b = " + GetProperty("b")) //reset in p2
println("c = " + GetProperty("c")) //overridden in p2
println("d = " + GetProperty("d")) //set in p2
println("e = " + GetProperty("e")) //unspecified
The driver displays several properties to illustrate various cases. The properties are taken, implicitly, from the system services of the actor. Now lets look at the test code.
val p1 = new Properties
p1.put("a", "1")
p1.put("b", "2")
p1.put("c", "3")
val systemServices = SystemServices(new PropertiesComponentFactory, properties = p1)
val p2 = new Properties
p2.put("b", null)
p2.put("c", "11")
p2.put("d", "12")
val aSubsystem = Subsystem(systemServices, new PropertiesComponentFactory, properties = p2)
val driver = new Driver
Future(driver, DoIt())
The test code defines a number of properties (p1) which are used to configure the top-level system. Additional properties (p2) are then used to configure a subsystem--which is passed to the driver.
a = 1
b = null
c = 11
d = 12
e = null