IncDesList - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki
IncDesList is an incrementally deserialize list of items and it has 6 IncDesList factories, one for each of the IncDes items.
IncDesList[V, V1] supports 10 types of messages, in addition to the Length, Bytes and Copy messages which are supported by all IncDes actors.
case class ContainsKey[K](key: K)
case class Get[K](key: K)
case class GetValue[K](key: K)
case class GetValue2[K](key: K)
case class Add[V <: IncDesItem[V1], V1](transactionContext: TransactionContext, value: V)
case class Insert[V <: IncDesItem[V1], V1](transactionContext: TransactionContext, index: Int, value: V)
case class Size()
case class Remove[Int](transactionContext: TransactionContext, key: Int)
case class Seq()
case class ValuesSeq()
case class FlatValuesSeq()
- The result from ContainsKey is a Boolean.
- Get returns the selected IncDesItem[V1].
- GetValue returns the value, V1, of the selected IncDesItem[V1].
- GetValue2 does a GetValue and then a Value on the result.
- Add returns a result of null.
- Insert returns a null.
- Size returns an Int--the number of items in the list.
- Remove returns the IncDesItem[V1] removed, or null. And
- Seq returns a Sequence[Int, V] actor over the items of the list.
- ValuesSeq returns a Sequence[Int, V1] actor over the values of the list.
- FlatValuesSeq returns a Sequence[Int, V1] actor over the values of the list, but excludes null values.
GetValue2 is only bound to lists of IncDesIncDes objects.