FlatmapSafeSeq - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki

FlatmapSafeSeq[K, V, V1] is a subclass of Sequence[K, V1] and is used to transform the values of another sequence, while dropping null values. The constructor takes two parameters, (1) another sequence actor, seq: Sequence[K, V], and (2) an instance of Safe. FlatmapSafeSeq takes its mailbox from its seq actor, so its interactions with seq are usually synchronous.

Unlike a function, Safe allows access to other actors.

Test code.

class MapSafe extends Safe {
  val alphabet = new java.util.HashMap[Int, String]
  alphabet.put(8, "Apple")
  alphabet.put(22, "Boy")
  alphabet.put(5, "Cat")

  override def func(target: Actor, msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit)(implicit sender: ActiveActor) {
    val kvPair = msg.asInstanceOf[KVPair[Int, Int]]

val flatmap = new FlatmapSafeSeq(new Range(0, 10), new MapSafe)
Future(flatmap, Loop((key: Int, value: String) => println(key+" "+value)))


5 Cat
8 Apple

