DbLog - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki
Transaction logs are important, no matter how robust a system. Transaction logs are recorded before an update request is processed. They can be used to build a database in the event of a failure, for a major software update, or when the size of the root block needs to be changed.
Logging is done by the TransactionComponentLog, which takes one parameter:
- logDirPathname - This is the pathname of the directory where log files are to be written. (A new log file is created each time the program is run.)
- flushLog - Set to "false" to turn off flushing after writing each journal entry.
LoggingTest configures the db subsystem for logging and then does a SetRequest transaction. A small log file is created.
val systemServices = SystemServices(new ServicesRootComponentFactory)
val dbName = "smallLogging.db"
val logDirPathname = "smallLogging"
val file = new java.io.File(dbName)
val properties = new Properties
properties.put("dbPathname", dbName)
properties.put("logDirPathname", logDirPathname)
val db = Subsystem(
new SmallComponentFactory,
properties = properties,
actorId = ActorId("db"))
val results = new Results
val chain = new Chain(results)
chain.op(systemServices, Register(db))
chain.op(db, SetRequest(db, "/$", IncDesInt(null)))
Future(systemServices, chain)
The EmptyLogDirectory companion object deletes all the files in the given directory, if it exists.
object EmptyLogDirectory {
def apply(logDirPathname: String) {
val file = new java.io.File(logDirPathname)
if (!file.exists) return
val files = file.listFiles
var i = 0
while (i < files.size) {
if (!files(i).delete) throw new IllegalStateException(
"unable to delete log file " + files(i).getCanonicalPath)
i += 1
The SmallComponentFactory configures the small datastore to use the TransactionLogComponent.
class SmallComponentFactory
extends ComponentFactory {
The TransactionLog creates a new log file when the first update request is processed. The name of the log file is a UTC timestamp of the time the program was started, e.g. 2011-10-01_02-58-14_308.
As always, when I/O is involved, it needs to be done with a separate mailbox, which is why TransactionLog messages are forwarded by the TransactionLogComponent to the TransactionLog actor.
class TransactionLogComponentFactory extends ComponentFactory {
override def instantiate(actor: Actor) = new TransactionLogComponent(actor)
class TransactionLogComponent(actor: Actor)
extends Component(actor) {
private var transactionLog = new TransactionLog
bindSafe(classOf[LogTransaction], new SafeForward(transactionLog))
bindSafe(classOf[LogInfo], new SafeForward(transactionLog))
override def open {
transactionLog.logDirPathname = GetProperty.required("logDirPathname")
transactionLog.flushLog = GetProperty.boolean("flushLog", true)
transactionLog.blockSize = GetProperty.int("logBlockSize", 8 * 1024)
override def close {
class TransactionLog
extends Actor {
var logDirPathname: String = null
var flushLog = true
var blockSize = 8 * 1024
var logFile: java.io.File = null
private val logTS = (new org.joda.time.DateTime(org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.UTC)).
private var writer: java.io.DataOutputStream = null
private var fileChannel: FileChannel = null
setMailbox(new AsyncReactorMailbox)
bind(classOf[LogTransaction], logTransaction)
bind(classOf[LogInfo], logInfo)
private def logInfo(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
val position = if (logFile == null) 0L else fileChannel.size
rf((logTS, position))
private def logTransaction(msg: AnyRef, rf: Any => Unit) {
val logTransaction = msg.asInstanceOf[LogTransaction]
val timestamp = logTransaction.timestamp
val bytes = logTransaction.bytes
if (flushLog) {
def initialize {
if (writer != null) return
val dir = new java.io.File(logDirPathname)
if (!dir.exists) dir.mkdirs
val fileName = dir.getCanonicalPath + java.io.File.separator + logTS + ".jnl"
logFile = new java.io.File(fileName)
val fileOutputStream = new java.io.FileOutputStream(logFile)
fileChannel = fileOutputStream.getChannel
val bos = new java.io.BufferedOutputStream(fileOutputStream, blockSize)
writer = new java.io.DataOutputStream(bos)
override def close {
try {
} catch {
case unknown => {}