ConcurrentLinkedBlockingQueue - laforge49/Asynchronous-Functional-Programming GitHub Wiki

The ConcurrentLinkedBlockingQueue class supports only a single reader, but has the advantage of not using locks unless the queue is empty. It is built using ConcurrentLinkedQueue, an AtomicBoolean and a Semaphore.

 * A ConcurrentLinkedQueue with a take method that doesn't block
 * when the queue isn't empty.
 * Note that this code only supports a singe reader thread.
class ConcurrentLinkedBlockingQueue[E]
  extends ConcurrentLinkedQueue[E] {
  private val waiting = new atomic.AtomicBoolean //when true, take is requesting a permit
  private val wakeup = new Semaphore(0) //to wake up a pending take

   * Inserts the element at the tail of the queue.
  def put(e: E) {

   * Inserts the element at the tail of the queue.
   * As the queue is unbounded, this method will never return {@code false}.
  override def offer(e: E) = {
    if (waiting.compareAndSet(true, false)) 
      wakeup.release //if there is a pending take, wake it up

   * Returns the element at head of the queue when an element is available.
   * This method is similar to poll, except that it does not return null.
  @tailrec final def take(): E = {
    var rv = poll
    if (rv != null) return rv
    //the queue may now be empty, so request a permit
    rv = poll
    if (rv != null) {
      //the queue was not empty
      if (!waiting.compareAndSet(true, false)) 
        wakeup.drainPermits //clear the permit that we didn't need
      return rv
    wakeup.acquire //wait for a permit


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