Recipe workflows break down - ladybug-tools/honeybee-resources GitHub Wiki
Async calls
[ * ]
Waiting point for async calls
[...] octree of static model (full static folder) * 2 (for direct studies + default)
[...] octree of each aperture * 2 (for direct studies + default)
[ * ]
2-Phase - for each SensorGrid
[...] for (each dynamic aperture + all static apertures):
[...] for each state of aperture:
[...] - rfluxmtx [sky] [octree-default] [aperture at that state] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [skymtx contribution]
[...] - rfluxmtx [sky direct] [octree-direct] [aperture at that state] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [skymtx direct contribution]
[...] - rfluxmtx [sun-path] [octree-direct] [aperture at that state] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [sunlight contribution]
[ * ] - [skymtx contribution] - [skymtx direct contribution] + [sunlight contribution]
3-Phase - for each SensorGrid
for all static apertures:
- try 2-Phase
[...] for each dynamic aperture:
[...] - rfluxmtx [sensor grid] [aperture vmtx] [octree-default] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [view matrix]
[...] - rfluxmtx [aperture tmtx] [sky] [octree-default] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [daylight matrix]
[ * ]
[...] for each state:
[...] - [view matrix] * [transmittance matrix] * [daylight matrix]
5-Phase - for each SensorGrid
[...] for all static apertures:
- try 2-Phase
[...] for each dynamic aperture:
[...] - rfluxmtx [sensor grid] [aperture vmtx] [octree-default] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [view matrix]
[...] - rfluxmtx [aperture tmtx] [sky] [octree-default] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [daylight matrix]
[ * ] for each state:
[...] - [view matrix] * [transmittance matrix] * [daylight matrix] > [skymtx contribution]
[...] - rfluxmtx [sky direct] [octree-direct] [aperture at that state] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [skymtx direct contribution]
[...] - rfluxmtx [sun-path] [octree-direct] [aperture at that state] [rest of apertures blacked-out] > [sunlight contribution]
[ * ] - [skymtx contribution] - [skymtx direct contribution] + [sunlight contribution]