List of Radiance based commands for honeybee studies - ladybug-tools/honeybee-resources GitHub Wiki


  1. This should have probably been done in a Google Docs and not a public wiki so do not take it seriously at this point.
  2. This will be one of the many notes related to "the pursuit of standard folder structure for radiance".

1. create octree for calculating [direct] sunlight

Create an octree that represents model for direct studies. This octree:

  • Does not include dynamic apertures.
  • Opaque surfaces will be turned black
  • Interior glass surfaces stay with the original material.


  • A honeybee radiance model or a honeybee radiance folder.


None. This should work with the current structure. The only question is if we want to force separating interior glasses from the rest of the model.

2. create octree for calculating sky and inter-reflected light.

Create an octree that represents the model for calculating the contribution of sky. This octree:

  • Does not include dynamic apertures.
  • All the rest of surfaces will have the default materials.


  • A honeybee radiance model or a honeybee radiance folder.


None. This should work with the current structure.

3. Two-phase direct sunlight

Calculate contribution from direct sunlight from a single or several aperture. This command will have to flavor to support both view-based and grid-based calculations.


  • A honeybee radiance model or a honeybee radiance folder.
  • WEA model/file or [sun matrix if available].
  • moys: List of minutes of the year for this calculation.
  • apertures: A list of aperture names as sources of light. In most cases this will only be a single aperture. Rest of apertures will be blacked out from the scene.
  • A sensor grid or a view.


Current folder structure can support this command. It will use the black octree and aperture are already have a blacked-out version that will be used for this calculation.

4. Two-phase sky and indirect reflections

Calculate contribution from sky from a single or several aperture. This command will have to flavor to support both view-based and grid-based calculations.


  • A honeybee radiance model or a honeybee radiance folder.
  • WEA model/file or [sky matrix if available].
  • direct/diffuse/total
  • moys: List of minutes of the year for this calculation.
  • apertures: A list of aperture names as sources of light. In most cases this will only be a single aperture. Rest of apertures will be blacked out from the scene.
  • A sensor grid or a view.


Current folder structure can support this command.

5. Matrix addition

Add/remove several radiance matrices to/from each other.


  • Path to matrices to be added
  • Path to matrices to be removed


Current folder structure can support this command.

6. Grid/View to surface contribution

Calculate the contribution matrix for a grid of sensors or a view to a radiance polygon. In matrix-based workflows this is known as view matrix but it has more than just a single use case. For instance a similar approach can be used for calculating view factors for a comfort study.


  • view / sensor grid
  • target aperture/polygon


  • To handle this case we need to add an inmtx representation of the polygon/aperture. In most cases the inmtx file is the original geometry with glow material. The geometry normal should face the grid/ view.

  • I wonder if there is a quicker way in radiance to run an initial test to figure out if the sensor has a chance to see the opening at all. Maybe just a quick ray-tracing to the corners or the polyline? Even in that case what will happen to the indirect reflections that can potentially be received from the source even if the polygon is not visible?

  • Current folder structure suggests separation of interior and exterior geometry which can be very helpful to isolate the necessary geometries for this calculation.

7. Surface to surface contribution

Calculate the contribution matrix for a radiance polygon to another radiance polygon. This is useful for cases like modeling a light-pipe or a window inside an atrium.


  • input aperture/polygon
  • target aperture/polygon


  • To handle this case we need to add an inmtx an outmtx representation of the polygon/aperture. In most cases these *mtx files are the original geometry with glow material. Target polygon should face the input polygon.

  • In most cases the inmtx and outmtx files will be the same however this can change. For instance if you are modeling a complex fenestration with thickness and you have included the thickness in BSDF file then these two files will sandwich the fenestration geometry and will not be located at the same place.

8. surface to sky contribution

Calculate the contribution matrix for a radiance polygon to/from the sky. In matrix-based workflows this is known as sky matrix.


  • input polygon
  • sky density
  • radiance model


  • To handle this case we need to add an outmtx representation of the polygon/aperture. In most cases the outmtx file is the original geometry with glow material.

  • Current folder structure suggests separation of interior and exterior geometry which can be very helpful to isolate the necessary geometries for this calculation.

9. Matrix multiplication

Multiply several radiance matrices.


  • Path to matrices.
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