WordSets - labsquare/cutevariant GitHub Wiki


A wordset is intended to be used as an "IN " VQL query. For instance :

SELECT chr FROM variants WHERE gene IN SET["myset"]

This is a relevant feature inspired by 'Set' from SnpSift


A wordSet can be created by clicking the '+' button below the 'WordSets' plugin.
Then click 'Add' and edit the field. Each element of your set must be on a single line For example:


And not: KRAS,BRAF,TP53 ; Or even: KRAS BRAF TP53
Then click Save and you will be asked to name your wordSet (eg.: myWordSet_name)

Querying your wordSet

The VQL query to look into your newly created wordSet is the following:

SELECT chr FROM variants WHERE gene IN WORDSET["myWordSet_name"]
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