MongoDB - labcores/intranet GitHub Wiki

MongoDB Configuration inside LabCORES

LabCORES has a MongoDB service running locally on our project server / experiments workstation, Motumbo. The linux daemon is installed by the following structure: Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu.

The Version

The version is 3.4.9 and supports WiredTiger Storage Engines

The Start

MongoDB must be started within the terminal, with the root user, forcing the instance to use parameters to change default paths of storage and logs. This is a internal initiative to prevent disk running out of space and to organize better the data.

/usr/bin/mongod --dbpath /data/mongodb --logpath /data/mongodb-log/mongod.log &

This is for initial configuration, we are going for a better start process in the future.

The process is running with 2 parameters: dbpath and logpath. Dbpath sets the new folder for the storage files, databases and collections, and logpath sets the directory for daemon process reports. The structure of files are inside the /data folder:

  1. dbpath = /data/mongodb
  2. logpath = /data/mongodb-log/mongod.log


The pattern of the names are db_firstName_lastName. The older and not yet described by an owner, or not identified, are named: db_legacy_originalName.

These are the databases we have (2017-10-26):

Database Name Size
db_legacy_copa 6.820GB
db_legacy_eleicoes 33.519GB
db_legacy_impeachment 1.300GB
db_legacy_jesuischarlie 4.330GB
db_legacy_lollapalooza 0.086GB
db_legacy_morte_campos 0.732GB
db_legacy_olimpiadas 19.292GB
db_legacy_pas_rt 0.881GB
db_legacy_protestos_2013 0.531GB
db_legacy_rio_transito 0.032GB
db_legacy_rir_2013 0.945GB
db_legacy_semantichub 0.016GB
db_legacy_terceirizacao 0.006GB
db_legacy_transito 31.485GB
db_legacy_trump 72.731GB
db_legacy_tweets_jmj 0.123GB
db_legacy_tweets_rj_boundingbox 0.000GB
db_legacy_twitter_got 0.495GB
db_legacy_twitter_manifestacao 0.034GB
db_raphael_fonseca 6.937GB