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Welcome to the CORES Laboratory Wiki!
This wiki is under construction and suggestions are very well received!
Template for Presentation
New template for presentation of the CORES Laboratory can be found at Google Slides: cores-presentation-template-v4.0.
The entire shared Google Drive folder containing logos without background colors and other details for general presentation purposes can be found at: CORES Presentation Folder.
The itens can be download, but not modified. To create your own version of the presentation, just select:
- File
- Make a Copy
- Save to your own Google Drive
These stands are to prevent errors for everybody to use the same template.
Template for Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minute
The files to create Agenda (Pauta) and Minute (Ata) are in the Lab's Drive:
Events Photographs
All the media generated at any event that the members participate are stored in the Lab's Drive folder: LabCORES Photographs.
This folder must be used to reference all media posted on the site: labcores.github.io.