Audio - lFreecss/Gunbird GitHub Wiki
In the following link you can find the folder with all the music tracks, voices and effect sounds in wav format and ogg format.
To extract all the audio we have used the program BridgeM1 that allows to extract the audio files of the roms from the emulator MAME.
- gunbird-001 [Discover the Dream]: This track sounds on the Character Selection screen.
- gunbird-002 [Backstar's Fortress]: This track sounds at the opening of the game (inserting coins screen) and at the level of the Castle.
- gunbird-003 [Pointed Square]: This track sounds at the Jungle level.
- gunbird-004 [Trick Trump Train]: This track sound at the Town level.
- gunbird-005 [Shot in the Underground]: This track sound at the Mine level.
- gunbird-006 [Unknown Objects]: This track sound at Ruins level.
- gunbird-007 [Mistery Circle]: This track sound at the Shrine level.
- gunbird-008 [Aqua Blue]: This track sound at the Ocean level.
- gunbird-009 [The Trap - From the Ancient]: This track sound in the Final level.
- gunbird-010 [Chase The Case]: This track sounds at the fight versus the Boss from the levels: Castle, Jungle, Town, Mine, Ocean and Ruin.
- gunbird-011 [High Energy]: This track sounds at the fight versus the Boss from the level of the Shrine.
- gunbird-012 [Reborn]: This track sounds at the fight versus the Boss Atler at the Last Level.
- gunbird-013 [We Did It]: This track sounds when you complete the stage (Stage Clear).
- gunbird-014 [Dreamin' Again]: This track sounds in the Score Screen when you have to regist your name.
- gunbird-015 [The Ending of Gunbird A]: This track sounds in one of the Endings of Gunbird (depending on the character you choose).
- gunbird-016 [The Ending of Gunbird B]: This track sounds in one of the Endings of Gunbird (depending on the character you choose).
- gunbird-017 [The Ending of Gunbird C]: This track sounds in one of the Endings of Gunbird (depending on the character you choose).
- gunbird-018 [The Ending of Gunbird D]: This track sounds in one of the Endings of Gunbird (depending on the character you choose).
When you choose this character on the Character Selection or if you die in the game and start over:
- gunbird-019 [Marion]: Marion hasshin! (Also it sounds when you start the game)
- gunbird-020 [Yung Nang]: Omatuse arune!
- gunbird-021 [Valnus]: Valnus hasshin!
- gunbird-022 [Tetsu]: Jijii kenzan!
- gunbird-023 [Ash]: Let’s Go!
When the character catches a Power Up on the level:
- gunbird-024 [Marion]: Power Up!
- gunbird-025 [Yung Nang]: Power Up!
- gunbird-026 [Valnus]: Power Up nari!
- gunbird-027 [Tetsu]: Power Up dei!
- gunbird-028 [Ash]: Power Up da!
When the character reaches the limit of his Power Up (level 4):
- gunbird-029 [Marion]: Oomouke!
- gunbird-030 [Yung Nang]: Manzoku aru!
- gunbird-031 [Valnus]: Hahhahhaha!
- gunbird-032 [Tetsu]: Jijii kangeki!
- gunbird-033 [Ash]: Iizo!
When the character uses his special attack (Bomb):
- gunbird-034 [Marion]: Wind shaver!
- gunbird-035 [Yung Nang]: Bunshiin!
- gunbird-036 [Valnus]: Valnus baster!
- gunbird-037 [Tetsu]: Kuraiyagare!
- gunbird-038 [Ash]: Bomber!
When the character dies during the game:
- gunbird-039 [Marion]: Waa!
- gunbird-040 [Yung Nang]: Aaa!
- gunbird-041 [Valnus]: Waa!
- gunbird-042 [Tetsu]: Waa!
- gunbird-043 [Ash]: Aaa!
When the player keeps pressing the shoot button and makes an attack loaded.:
- gunbird-044 [Marion]: Ittekooi!
- gunbird-045 [Yung Nang]: Yaa!
- gunbird-046 [Valnus]: Roketto paanchi!
- gunbird-047 [Tetsu]: Midareuchi dei!
- gunbird-048 [Ash]: Hassha!
Finally, this track voice is heard every time a coin is inserted:
- gunbird-049: Ganbado!
- gunbird-050: Change character on the Character Selection screen
- gunbird-051: When a character catches a Coin
- gunbird-052: When a character catches a Bomb
- gunbird-053: Character gets a Extra Life
- gunbird-054: The character collides against an enemy
- gunbird-055: Shooting sound of Marion
- gunbird-056: Shooting sound of Yung Nang
- gunbird-057: Shooting sound of Valnus
- gunbird-058: Shooting sound of Tetsu
- gunbird-059: Shooting sound of Ash
- gunbird-060: Stars that Marion shoots (From Power Up Level 3)
- gunbird-061: Swords that Yung Nang throws (From Power Up Level 3)
- gunbird-062: Laser that Valnus shoots (From Power Up Level 3)
- gunbird-063: Missiles that Tetsu fires (From Power Up Level 3)
- gunbird-064: Waves that Ash shoots (From Power Up Level 3)
- gunbird-065: When Yung Nang uses the clouds of the Special Attack
- gunbird-066: When Tetsu uses the bombs of the Special Attack and touch the ground
- gunbird-067: When Ash uses the bombs of the Special Attack and touch the ground
- gunbird-068: When an enemy receives a shot of the character
- gunbird-069: Explosion 01
- gunbird-070: Explosion 02
- gunbird-071: Explosion 03
- gunbird-072: Explosion 04
- gunbird-073: Explosion 05
- gunbird-074: Explosion 06
- gunbird-075: Explosion 07
- gunbird-076: Explosion 08
- gunbird-077: Explosion 09
- gunbird-078: Explosion 10
- gunbird-079: Explosion 11
- gunbird-080: Explosion 12
- gunbird-081: Explosion 13
- gunbird-082: Explosion 14
- gunbird-083: Explosion 15
- gunbird-084: Explosion 16
- gunbird-085: Explosion 17
- gunbird-086: Train chimney
- gunbird-087: Train in motion 01
- gunbird-088: Train in motion 02
- gunbird-089: Train in motion 03
- gunbird-090: Train in motion 04
- gunbird-091: Train in motion 05
- gunbird-092: The roof of the train opens
- gunbird-093: Robot in motion 01
- gunbird-094: Robot in motion 02
- gunbird-095: Robot in motion 03
- gunbird-096: Robot in motion 04
- gunbird-097: Robot in motion 05
- gunbird-098: Electricity in robots
- gunbird-099: Roar of the Dragon
- gunbird-100: Roar of Atler
- gunbird-101: Charged Shot
- gunbird-102: Unknown
- gunbird-103: Unknown
- gunbird-104: Unknown
- gunbird-105: Unknown
- gunbird-106: Unknown
- gunbird-107: Unknown
- gunbird-108: Unknown
- gunbird-109: Unknown
- gunbird-110: Unknown
- gunbird-111: Unknown
- gunbird-112: Unknown
- gunbird-113: Unknown
- gunbird-114: Unknown
- gunbird-115: Unknown
- gunbird-116: Unknown